where intricatehenna patternsare applied to the body. Occasionally spelled mehendi or mihndi, this temporary tattoo art form derives its name from mehndika in Sanskrit. At a wedding, the mehndi ceremony or party is a prewedding event where the application of henna takes place. In short, if ...
印度曼海蒂 mehndi 曼海蒂彩绘纹身 Henna Mehndi design 双语例句 1. Mehndi has cultural and social significance. “曼海蒂”有其文化及社会意义。—— 给力词典精选 2. A ceremony known as the ´Mehndi ceremony´ is made special by songs and dances. 一个名为“曼海蒂仪式”的仪式会伴着歌舞隆重...
Surely there is something utterly magical about applying mehndi, especially about rubbing your palms together and removing the dried silt off your hands. Maybe, it’s the feeling of being adorned and treated like a queen at your mehndi ceremony. Maybe it’s the euphoric and blissful ambiance th...
"Themehndiceremony is considered so sacred in some religions that unless the mother-in-law has applied the first dot to the bride's hand the painting cannot go ahead," says Zaynab. In Asian cultures Zaynab says that women gather and havemehndiparties, like hen parties, and paint each other...
Define mehndi. mehndi synonyms, mehndi pronunciation, mehndi translation, English dictionary definition of mehndi. n. 1. The application of henna paste in intricate designs to decorate the body, often for wedding celebrations and other festive occasions
Weddings in India can often be long, ritualistic, and elaborate affairs with many pre-wedding, wedding and post wedding ceremonies. The occasion of Mehndi ceremony is often one of the most important pre-wedding rituals especially for the bride. It is a fun filled ritual, which is celebrated ...
4 images Related searches adultasiumbeautybridecouple - relationshipcultureculture of indiahandhennahenna tattoohinduismhorizontalhuman handindiaindian bridalindian weddingmarriedmehendimehndimehndi designpakistani weddingpersonphotographyreligiontogethernesstraditionweddingwedding ceremonywifewoman ...
关於指甲花彩绘(Mehndi) 的起源,可以追溯到远古时代。如此相当古老的应用源自於多种文化的神话传说,因此难以认定其真 … mehndi.pixnet.net|基于165个网页 3. 蔓蒂 常见的蔓蒂(Mehndi)构图随著各区域文化性的不同,而相继衍生出不同特色的图腾。阿拉伯式的花、叶构图、摩洛哥风的几何 … ...
Mehandi season has come and all the brides are too busy deciding their attire and jewellery, but the look remains incomplete without mehandi. Mehandi ceremony is one of the most fun-filled and glamorous pre-wedding function. Make the bride look ravishing on her wedding with our collection beauti...
Mehandi season has come and all the brides are too busy deciding their attire and jewellery, but the look remains incomplete without mehandi. Mehandi ceremony is one of the most fun-filled and glamorous pre-wedding function. Make the bride look ravishing on her wedding with our collection beauti...