(1)PhCO,HHHHHHCO,HH1Ph2加热电环化反应(顺旋)endiandric acid B8π, thermal[4+2],thermal 加热环加成反应electrocyclizationcycoaddition(Diels-Alder)(con)(Diels-Alder)CO,H6π, thermal2electrocyclizationH(di)PhHCO,H2加热电环化反应(对旋Hendiandric acid FPh(2)(1)4πΛ[4+6]cycloaddition6π(2)CO...
#互联网,#欢迎,#meme,#版 编辑 #浪#waves#nature#supreme 编辑 #mess#gif 编辑 #incomparablyme 编辑 #homestuck#vriska 编辑 #迪士尼#贝拉adormecida 编辑 #oh#,#come#on 编辑 #perfume#樫野有香 编辑 #perfume#樫野有香 编辑 #记忆碎片#Memento#赞#自拍 ...
I HAVEN'T STARTED YET!! I'm going to give the gift of my favorite meme of the year in the comments. (Sure, let's do this. Why not.) I'm going to give the gift of my favorite meme of the year in the comments. (Sure, let's do this. Why not.) 499 votesBack...
Me MeEtMe Me EtTBSOTBSO0⊕Or-BuBrOr-BuMeMe EtMeMeEtTBSOTBSOII:+Br+ΘBrBr(3)注意:呋喃环芳香性弱,其亲电反应具有明显的共轭加成性质。NNOMOM(Br)/H= OMOMΘOMeOHMeOHOHBrBrHHΘolo^(11) OMOMOMOMBMeOHMeOH-Br^Θ-HB⊕BOMOMOMOMMeOHBMeOH-B单键旋转OMOMMeOH(4)注意:①烯醇的碳碳双键优先于...
Mememe#明日方舟 #明日方舟雷蛇 #1080P #竖图 #明日方舟w #Arknights #Arknight昵称LU7FPXbPrA分享了这个作品 分类:二次元 格式: 体积:0 Bytes 画师:0w07 画师类型:P站画师 发布时间:2021-05-11 19:15:22 作品图尺寸:1707x2100 编号:679884 下载大图 触站网提供Meh-明日方舟明日方舟雷蛇图片壁纸浏览,此...
The article deals with the prospects of the investigation of literary hierarchy and with literary canon as a mnemonic hierarchy of culture, discussing the potential of Dawkins' meme in literary historical studies. The following strategies of the mnemonic survival" of literary texts are analysed 1) ...
【解析】H(1)CO2HCO2HMeMeOHH2O酯化反应CO2HCOHMe-HMeHHOHOOHHOHMeMe(2)三级碳正离子稳定,容易像质子一样脱去Me Me EtMe Me EtTBSOf_1=Br TBSO00BrOr-BuOr-BuMe Me EtMe Me EtTBSOTBSO0ōBr↓Br0Br(3)注意:呋喃环芳香性弱,其亲电反应具有明显的共轭加成性质0BrOMOM(8π)/(11)7/(12) OMOMMe...
Liong Jerami TerpanjangSejumlah warga Tionghoa mengarak Liong yang terbuat dari jerami dan berhasil memecahkan rekor MURI di sekitar halaman Klenteng Hok Tek Bio Purwokerto, Banyumas, Jateng, Minggu (24/2). Perayaan Cap Go Meh di Banyumas diperingati dengan melakukan arak-arakan patung dewa dan...
682 -- 1:26 App 我为我们Evo做了一个小猫meme宣传片,一起来看看吧! 461 -- 0:27 App 我这种萌新碰到大狼只有挨打的份 2320 4 7:57 App 机甲战队灭绝5-1.5-2怎么过?看完视频你就会啦! 432 -- 0:11 App 萌新都到哪去了 454 -- 1:22 App 今天碰到了是芜湖啊.哔阳德洛坤,跑的真迹霸快 ...