Metro Man (voiced by Brad Pitt) is an alien who was sent to Earth by his parents when his home planet was destroyed. As a superhero, he is Megamind's original arch-nemesis. Metro Man's hero costume is white and beige, with a long cape and fringed boots and gloves. To recreate his ...
童年时代的超级坏蛋Megamind (威尔·法瑞尔配音)和超级英雄Metroman (布拉德·皮特配音)他们从尚在襁褓之时起就结下了梁子,谁也不服谁。一个要代表正义,一促脚婆欢个就硬要邪恶,后来邪恶战胜了正义,超级坏蛋打败了超级英雄。然后,他却发现没有了对手的日子相当寂寞,于是,Megamind自己造了一个超级英雄Titan (乔纳·...
Defeat Metro Man and take over Metro City (succeeded, though it turned out that Metro Man had faked his death; also regretted later).Create a new hero to fight (after getting bored; succeeded, but then backfired).Defeat Tighten and take away his powers to stop him from destroying Metro Ci...
. 每次2人要掐架,总是megamind先绑架跟metroman走的很近的女记者小姐(tina fey配音,我是30rock的大fans!)然后等他上门...以至于桥段太过老套记者小姐都无聊了只不过这次的结果和以往的欢乐不同...罩住metroman的铜顶竟然是他的弱点(?!)然后被卫星武器一记命中后灰飞烟灭了...巨大胜利的欢乐后...megamind也...
Montage of Megamind and Minion vandalizing the city after Metro-Man's supposed death. Alone Again Naturally Gilbert O'Sullivan After vandalizing the city, Megamind is bored, staring out of the window. Mr. Blue Sky Electric Light Orchestra Montage of Megamind (disguised as hal’s space dad) tra...
I'mfallingtomydeath. 我正坠向死亡 Guesstheycan't. 看来再糟也糟不到哪去了 How'ditallcometothis,youask? 也许你会问事情为何会搞成这样呢 Myendstartsatthebeginning. 故事还要介最初说起 Theverybeginning. 最初的最初 Yes,that'sme. 是的这就是我 ...
Q:Whats the song playing throughout Metroman's explanation of why he faked his own death? ...from Some1 in Kansas(answer Some1's question) Feedback •Email this pageto anyone. •Ask a questionabout the music in this movie.
01月18日 漏签0天 超级大坏蛋吧 关注: 1,073 贴子: 3,097 Megamind:Look,we need your help! 目录: 电影 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 图册精选 全部(4) 未分类图册(4) 图片小编: 本吧暂无图片小编 未分类图册 4个图册 2张 justin-bieber-megamind-premi... 24张 电影海报_电脑壁纸 2张...
Metro Man approaching sir Hold on a second Ohgood heavens You didn't think you were in the real observatory did you? Ready the death ray Minion Death ray readying Over here old friend In case you haven't noticed You've fallen right into my trap ...
02月09日 漏签0天 超级大坏蛋吧 关注: 1,073 贴子: 3,097 Megamind:Look,we need your help! 目录: 电影 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 图册精选 全部(4) 未分类图册(4) 图片小编: 本吧暂无图片小编 未分类图册 4个图册 2张 justin-bieber-megamind-premi... 24张 电影海报_电脑壁纸 2张...