Solving the Old Mystery of the Oceanic "Quack" Chimpanzee Culture Is More Complex Than We Thought Are Chernobyl Dogs Experiencing Rapid Evolution? Could Bat Blood Hold the Key to Human Hibernation? This Decade-Old Whale Carcass Still Supports Life...
Cats were first domesticated when they worked as vermin killers in human settlements. Since then, we have grown to love… How Heavy Poaching Has Led to Tuskless Elephants Tusks are one of the most notable features of elephants, among their size and trunks. However, some elephants do not…...
Megalodon is dead. This shouldn’t come as a shock. The fossil record is clear that after about 14 million years of feasting on marine mammals, the 50-foot-long, “mega-toothed” shark exited the evolutionary stage by two and a half million years ago. Bu
comprising modern (in gray) and extinct (in black; with hypothetical silhouettes) members and in comparison with an average adult human (in red) as scale. Note the anomalously large size of the iconic megatooth shark, Otodus megalodon
1. "56 km / h": you take it from the great white shark and you stick it directly to the megalodon. However: as I said before, sharks lose speed compared to a smaller individual of similar morphology with increasing size and weight because it will spend more energy at the same speed ...
What size was a megalodon shark? Big. Seriously big. The megalodon shark was roughly 16 metres in length –longer than your normal bus, and three times the length of the average great white shark. Scientists also estimate that their fins were the length of an average adult human. Due to ...
From time immemorial, Human beings have always had a thing for the size of large creatures. Looking at it from an aquatic point of view, there is none as big as the blue whale which holds the reputation of being the largest animal to have ever existed on the earth. Both creatures, ...
to estimate the body size of extinct giants1,2. The extinct †Otodus megalodonhas been estimated to be the largest macropredatory shark known to have existed3. Based on its fossil teeth and using the modern great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) as an analogue, it has been calculated ...
i love this game! ReplyGood karmaBad karma+3 votes emanmonk-Sep 2 2012- 1 comments i cant figure out how to chat? ReplyGood karmaBad karma+3 votes darklink03-Sep 19 2012- 2 comments enter ReplyGood karmaBad karma+3 votes nerdcubed123-Nov 2 2012- 1 comments ...
A titanoboa compared to a human shows how large they were ©Michael Rosskothen/ The most important factors to examine in a fight between Titanoboa and Megalodon are their size, speed, senses, defenses, and combat skills. By taking a look at each of these, we can assign adv...