“We measured the whole vertebral skeleton of a living great white shark with a CT scanner and compared that to the previous reconstruction of the Megalodon vertebral column,” Sternes elaborated. The findings indicated that theMegalodonwas not just a larger version of the modern great white shark...
Megalodon tooth compared to great white shark teethSource:Kalan/Wikimedia Commons Megalodon teeth differ from those of great white sharks in that their serrations occur in regular intervals and they have abourlette, which is a darker, chevron-shaped area near the root. Megalodon produced their of...
However, the results of a new studypublished in the journal Palaeontologia Electronicasuggest that the Megalodon may have had a much leaner, elongated body type when compared to that of today’s great white shark. Furthermore, according to the authors, this physiological difference could...
(many of the vertebrae appear to be missing); a discrepancy in jaw size relative to its vertebrae compared to the great white shark; and the fact that Cooper et al. scanned a juvenile white shark specimen for their reconstruction when one could expect significant body changes as such a ...
Are megalodons related to great white sharks? No. Previously, megalodons were namedCarcharodon megalodon, which placed them in the same genus as great white sharks. Palaeontologists later decided they weren’t so closely related and shifted them to a different group, renaming themOtodus megalodon...
megalodons were a little larger than the modern day Whale Shark, and over twice as large as a Great White shark. Sorry, it was not an 80 to 100 foot beast! Diet:Anything! It was the most massive shark to ever live. Evidence shows it ate Whales. ...
The scientific name, Otodus megalodon, means "giant tooth," and for good reason: Its massive teeth are almost three times larger than the teeth of a modern great white shark. The megalodon shark's fossilized bones and teeth give scientists major clues about what the creature was like and ...
Like Livyatan, Megalodon was a surface hunter, most likely prowling the coasts similar to the way a great white hunts. Megalodon young would have lived in shark nurseries closer to the shore where they’d be safer, and adults would have hunted in deeper water. Like a modern great white, ...
Traditionally, scientists have taken those teeth and compared them with living animals like the great white and other sharks to get estimates of the meg’s overall size. Those estimates hinge on a lot of assumptions, namely that the rest of a megalodon’s morphology matched that of modern shar...
One would be to compare it to the sizes of other large animals. If you search online, you will see many visual representations of the megalodon compared so some creatures today. Whales and great white sharks would be great ones to compare it to!