必应词典为您提供megadose.的释义,美['megəˌdoʊz],英['megədəʊz],网络释义: 大剂量;给予···大剂量;巨大剂量;
必应词典为您提供megadose的释义,美['megəˌdoʊz],英['megədəʊz],网络释义: 大剂量;给予···大剂量;巨大剂量;
megadose是什么意思 音标: 英 ['megədəʊz] 美 ['megəˌdoʊz] n. (维生素等的)大剂量 megadose的用法和例句: 1.They are so loaded up onmegadoses of hubris that they don't recognize that it's the most humbling job in the world....
句子:She took a megadose of antioxidants to combat the stress of her demanding job. 翻译:她服用了大剂量的抗氧化剂来对抗高压工作带来的压力。 模拟出处:再一虚构小说 句子:The athlete prepared for the marathon by taking a megadose of energy supplements. 翻译:这名运动员通过服用大剂量能量补充剂来...
megadose中文意思翻译 n. (维生素等的)大剂量 vt. 给予... 大剂量 megadose常见例句 1、They are so loaded up on megadoses of hubris that they don't recognize that it's the most humbling job in the world.─── 他們那樣狂妄自大 卻沒有意識到 總統是這世上最卑微的工作 2、Megadose of...
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megadose /ˈmɛgəˌdoʊs/ noun plural megadoses Britannica Dictionary definition of MEGADOSE [count] US : a large amount of medicine, vitamins, etc. : a large dose He took megadoses of vitamin C.ASK THE EDITOR What are the plural forms of check-in, passerby, and...