•Drawthemindmapofthechallengesofmegacitiesandpossiblesolutionsbasedonthebook.MakeConnections 1.WhatarethemegacitiesinChina?2.DoyouthinkitisconvenientandpleasanttoliveinBeijing?Why?3.Howistherubbishdealtwithwhereyoulive?Doyouhaveanysuggestionsforimprovements?Groupwork:Let’smakeBeijingabettercitytolivein The...
At the same time, megacities are magnets for wealth creation and innovation, and they may require more efficient infrastructure resources on a per capita basis than smaller cities (economies of scale) (Bettencourt, 2013; Bettencourt et al., 2007). Therefore, understanding the evolution of ...
Six Teams Studying Uneven Growth to Exhibit Proposals for Expanding Megacities at MoMAArchitectural NewsCohabitation Strategies (CohStra)Ensamble Studio/MITPOPlabMAP OfficeArchdaily
The SubT Challenge will ask teams to map all three together. Similar to the OFFSET program, contestants can write software and try their ideas on a synthetic course rather than a physical course. The winner of the synthetic course will receive $750,000 and the winner of the physical course...
(Figure2). Other cities rely on a steady water supply from mountains, either due to large catchment areas or melt water from glaciers. This is the situation in Santiago de Chile where the water supply for the Maipo and the Mapocho Rivers comes from the Andes, especially the glaciers of ...
While studies have attempted to identify commonalities in megacities expansion in developing countries, there remains a notable gap in research that specifically examines the characteristics of megacity expansion based on different ecosystems. Riverfront megacities, in particular, possess unique physical, socia...
But even in China, new arrivals from rural areas don't pay attention to political lines drawn on a map or follow the wishes of city planners. And efforts to keep them back on the farm—from China'shukouhousehold registration system to investments in upgrading rural services—hasn't stopped ...
•Drawthemindmapofthechallengesofmegacitiesandpossiblesolutionsbasedonthebook.MakeConnections 1.WhatarethemegacitiesinChina?2.DoyouthinkitisconvenientandpleasanttoliveinBeijing?Why?3.Howistherubbishdealtwithwhereyoulive?Doyouhaveanysuggestionsforimprovements?Groupwork:Let’smakeBeijingabettercitytolivein The...
We analyzed the spatial distribution of the daily average air pollutants data using a GIS platform. To produce a spatial-temporal variation map of all the seven air pollutant parameters, we implemented the interpolation technique based on Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolator by linear combinat...
a comparison of their landscape-change characteristics based on intensity analysis and the urban growth theory has not been done. Thus, by using the concepts of intensity analysis and the diffusion-coalescence urban growth theory, with the aid of GIS and remote sensing tools and techniques, in th...