The Analogue Mega Sg just got another firmware update, both for the jailbroken version, as well as the “official” firmware. Honestly though, there’s zero reason to use the official firmware; Even if you predominately use an Everdrive for Genesis and SMS ROMs, this jailbreak allows for ...
Also, another official firmware was released with all the same bugfixes and feature tweaks, but without ROM support. I’m not surewhyyou’d want that, but here’s the link if you’re interested: Check...
Firmware Update USB tool Development resources (Github) User manual UI customization tool MegaColor video converter Useful links: Menu themes by ArcadeTV MSU-MD hacks by ArcadeTV MSU-MD games database MegaDoom port for EverDrive PRO(ported by ...
Please continue to support this thread, if you have a device with a different customization id then please consider creating the ftf, the more we have the easier it is for anyone to restore there device back to stock or just to flash a different regions firmware. Also Give @ianford10 a ...
GS $D62A KBD:FWDATEL LSB of keyboard firmware date stamp (days since 1 Jan 2020) GS $D62B KBD:FWDATEH MSB of keyboard firmware date stamp (days since 1 Jan 2020) GS $D62C KBD:FWGIT0 LSB of keyboard firmware git commit GS $D62D KBD:FWGIT0 2nd byte of keyboard firmware git ...
The Analogue Mega Sg just got another firmware update, both for the jailbroken version, as well as the “official” firmware. Honestly though, there’s zero reason to use the official firmware; Even if you predominately use an Everdrive for Genesis and SMS ROMs, this jailbreak allows for Ga...
Firmware Update Files: After updating to the new firmware, a new subfolder will be created under the main savestate folder for each game, which matches the title of the ROM. While I like the idea of keeping save states organized...
Brook from has just released an updated firmware for their PS3/PS4 to Mega Drive/PC Engine Super Converter Adding the much needed 6 button controller support for the PCE and SuperGrafx. A demo video of the new firmware is below and it’s available from their download sec...