ROTH IRA作为免收益税的退休账户的好处大家已经都知道了,如果你是高收入人群,超过了phase out limit,就用backdoor ROTH IRA 进行曲线救国,但受到IRA/ROTH IRA contribution limits 的限制,只能放$6000(2020…
Backdoor Roth:This isn't a type of IRA, but a strategy for people whose income is too high to be eligible for regular Roth IRA contributions. You simply roll money from a traditional IRA to a Roth. There are no income or conversion limits — that is, anyone can convert any amount of...
2023快乐!新年第一支视频来讲投资 -- 美国退休金大扫盲,新的一年,大家可以根据上限把自己的养老金比例调整好。希望这个视频能讲清楚这几个问题:一张图,几句话概括traditional,Roth,401k,IRA -- 401k,IRA,pretax,aftertax是什么。一张表概括怎么取,怎么交税如何投钱,可以投多少钱?mega backdoor,backdoor怎么做...
The mega backdoor Roth is a contribution method that allows you to contribute after-tax dollars to a Roth IRA. Mega backdoor Roth strategy can be a great way to get more money into aRoth IRA, but there are some things you need to know before you try it. What’s the Process of a ...
简单来说Mega Backdoor是IRS提供给大家一个省税工具,一个让你每年能把401k的钱转为Roth IRA, Roth 401k的方法,好处是在你退休时候投资收益可以免税。它和投资本身无关只是个工具而已,但这个工具很有可能几十年后帮你省下几十上百万美元的税钱。 继续基本小知识 ...
TheMega Roth IRA Backdooris an extreme strategy to contribute tens of thousands of dollars to a Roth IRA. If it's available to you through your 401(k) youdon't have to worry about income limits. How much can you contribute through the Mega Backdoor Roth?
When investors make too much to save directly to aRoth individual retirement account, backdoor strategies can bypass theIRS income limits. A mega backdoor Roth conversion involvesafter-tax 401(k) contributions, which are shifted to Roth accounts. ...
今天就给大家隆重介绍粗暴省税小心机系列之最粗暴走后门Roth IRA. 辣妈团的铁粉们肯定知道之前小葵妈写过的简单粗暴的省税小心机之退休计划篇(五) – Backdoor Roth IRA.大家肯定会问今天的这个Mega Backdoor Roth IRA 和Backdoor Roth IRA 之间有什么区别呢?其实最简单直接的区别就是字面的区别了 “Mega” 。
Fidelity 网站上无法操作这种 Mega backdoor,必须打电话 800-835-5095。这个号码是 Workplace 部门,也就是管理 401k 的部门。401k 和 IRA 在 Fidelity 内部是两套人马,甚至是两套系统,401k 的 online 自助系统叫 Netbeans。打电话的时候可以要求把现有账号 Balance 交过税的部分转到 Roth 401k,或者个人的 Roth ...
Within the Plan Or To Roth IRA You can do the mega backdoor Roth in two ways — convert within the plan or withdraw to a Roth IRA. Converting within the plan is much easier, and many plans automate the process. Transferring to a Roth IRA also works. See the previous postMega Backdoo...