Mewtwo is a Pokémon that was created by geneticmanipulation. However, even though the scientific power ofhumans created this Pokémon's body, they failed to endowMewtwo with a compassionate heart. Status HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed Style...
AMewtwo that can Mega Evolve into Mega Mewtwo X debuted on Aeos Island as a Melee All-Rounder forPokémon UNITE’s 2nd Anniversary. Now, players can see another side of the Genetic Pokémon by obtaining a Mewtwo Unite license that allows them to unleash the awesome power of Mega Mewtwo Y!
《口袋妖怪X/Y》新功能 Mega石头让宠物暴走! 在日本杂志透露了《口袋妖怪X/Y》的Mega进化内容之后,任天堂放出了更多关于该作的新消息。 根据昨天放出的消息,该作中的Mewtwo和Lucario等宠物的超级强力模式的进化称为“超级进化”。进行超级进化之后,宠物的外观、能力,甚至类型都会改变。Mega进化只会在战斗中发生,并...
《口袋妖怪XY》中的三个新宠物在最新一期的《コロコロ》杂志中公开,分别为Dedenne、Horubii,和Meekuru。这些宠物的杂志扫图在国外网站Serebii上被公开出来,并且称在新作中将会具有“Mega”形态。 根据扫图中的内容,“Mega”形态下的宠物有MegaBlaziken、MegaAbsol、MegaMawile、MegaMewtwo、MegaLucario和MegaAmpharos。...
根据扫图中的内容,“Mega”形态下的宠物有MegaBlaziken、MegaAbsol、MegaMawile、MegaMewtwo、MegaLucario和MegaAmpharos。他们都被冠以“Mega”,并且进化的过程叫做“Mega进化”。 新的三只宠物中,未进化的Gogoat叫做Meekuru,Dedenne是一只带电的精灵,兔子样的宠物是Horubii。杂志还透露了超级训练设施,以及一个叫可尔...
Mewtwonite X Distributed by event if the player typed the code M2DESCENT. Upon doing this, they would receive a Mystery Gift with this Key Stone. Mega Mewtwo X Mewtwonite Y Distributed by event if the player typed the code M2DESCENT. Upon doing this, they would receive a Mystery Gift...
The only Pokémon species with two Mega Evolutions, let alone more than one, are Charizard and Mewtwo. Charizard's is Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y, while Mewtwo's is Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y, respectively. The reason why each one's name ends with an "X" or "Y" is...
Mega Mewtwo X – Mewtwonte X Location: You need to head towards the Littleroot Town to find this Mega Stone. Mega Mewtwo Y – Mewtwonte Y Location: You will find this Mega Stone in the Pokemon League. Mega Ampharos – Ampharosite
150 Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Mewtwo Y Mewtwonite X (in Pokémon X only)Mewtwonite Y (in Pokémon Y only) Mewtwonite Mega Stone Location: Receive the stone after catching Mewtwo in Unknown Dungeon, which you can reach from Pokémon Village Mewtwo Location: In the cave west of Pokémon Village ...
Mewtwo – Pokémon Village (post-game) Mega Stones Locations Guide [ViaPokemondb]: Below is the complete guide on where you can find Mega Stones in Pokemon X and Y. Abomasite This is given to you when you save Abomasnow in Frost Cavern. ...