Pokémon GO 4 月开发日志更新 宣布了对 Mega Evolution 机制的重大更改,引入了 Mega Levels 和新的 Mega Energy 用途。在围绕 Pokémon GO Mega Evolution 数据挖掘进行了数周的猜测之后,Niantic 的确认揭示了可能使 Mega Evolution 对粉丝更有用、更容易获得的潜在好处。正因为如此,Mega Evolving Pokémon 可能会...
口袋妖怪去 洛巴尼 进化 超级 洛巴尼NIANTIC/DEXERTO除了赢得 Mega Raid 战斗之外,获得 Mega Energy 的其他方式还包括完成特殊研究任务或将 Lopunny 设置为你的行走伙伴,并带它旋转一圈(尽管它之前必须经过 Mega 进化,至少一次)。Pokemon Go 中的巨型垂耳兔 CP与游戏中的每个 Raid Boss 一样,一旦你成功抓住了 ...
When you’ve collected enough Mega Energy, go to an eligible Pokémon’s summary page and tap “Mega Evolve.” You can also Mega Evolve a Pokémon from the Raid Battle Lobby or when selecting your GO Battle League Battle Party. Mega Evolving a Pokémon for the first time costs a significan...
How to get Mega Energy in Pokémon Go To Mega Evolve your Pokémon, you’ll have to collectMega Energyfor that specific Pokémon. Find Mega Pokémon inMega Raids, take them on, and earn Mega Energy for that specific Pokémon. The faster you beat them, the more Mega Energy you’ll be re...
There will be an increase in Beedrill Mega Energy received from Field Research. You can receive Mega Energy for Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise by completing limited event-exclusive Field Research tasks. Be sure to take a #GOsnapshot with your Mega-Evolved buddy! You might even have a sur...
transforms your Pokémon, changing their appearance, improving their performance in battle through a significant boost in stats, and offering other unique benefits. You can tell if a Pokémon is eligible for Mega Evolution if you see a “Mega Evolve” button and “Mega Energy” on their summary...
Mega Abomasnow is best used as an ice-type attacker in raids, so it’s a good idea to have one that knowsPowder Snow and Weather Ball (Ice)for optimal damage. If you’d rather use Mega Abomasnow as a grass-type attacker, go withLeafage and Energy Ball. ...
After defeating Mega Latias or Mega Latios, the Raid Boss will revert to its regular form for you to catch. Using Mega Energy will allow you to Mega Evolve Latias or Latios. This is important to remember because while Latias and Latios aren’t particularly powerful or popular in the GO Bat...
Mega Garchomp is a dual Dragon- and Ground-type Pokémon originally discovered in the Sinnoh region. This Pokémon’s excess energy melted its arms and wings, transforming them into giant scythes. Learn which Pokémon will be most effective in Raid Battles against Mega Garchomp, how to catch Ga...
Mega Evolution was added to Pokémon GO from an update on August 27, 2020, though some Mega Evolutions would become available later on. Unlike the core series, a Pokémon Mega Evolves through the use of Mega Energy. Mega Evolution is only exclusive to certain species of Pokémon, as usual,...