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Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android by clicking the link below. If you’ve never used Zoom before, your device will download a small, free app that will enable you to participate. (Zoom is very easy to use, but we suggest clicking the link a few minutes before th...
MeetUp comes with a slim, square RF remote; you can also download a free iOS or Android app to do the same job over Bluetooth. There are no controls on the camera itself. Images: Logitech & Charles McLellan/ZDNet The remote control is a coaster-sized device powered by two CR2032 batter...
据《财富》杂志披露,共享办公巨头WeWork正在将 Meetup 从业务中剥离出来,公司周一证实了这个消息。Meetup是一个社交平台,旨在帮人们建立面对面的联系。Meetup 正在和 AlleyCorp 和其他私人投资者洽谈出售业务,价格未公开。据报道,这个价格远低于 WeWork 在 2017 年支付的 1.56 亿美元收购价格。据了解,Meetup 作为...
爱豆APP 发布时间:08-2013:13深圳市爱豆网络技术有限公司 据悉,Blackpink将出席在 PARADISE CITY 在举办的 Blackpink Fan Meetup Event 活动,与粉丝们见面。 该场见面会将于9月20日当地时间晚上20:30举行。(文/是它是它就是它) 作者最新文章 「消息」浙江卫视《陆战之王》定档8.26,燃情献礼季正式开启 氛围真的...