Meeting My Twin FlameDagmar Oktabcova
i need desparate help from the jezebel spirit…i am 36 years old and my mother runs my life… she is has controled me for over twenty years.. i am on the verge of taking my life.. i left christianity ten years ago to seek truth.. and to find deliverance from my many demons..but...
Thank you for your patience. We're making some quick updates and will have everything back up shortly.
My lord, I am writing once again, as you requested, to report that the walking flame was seen once again near Naerband. None know why she goes where she does, or if she is doing the Horror's business when she is given to this wandering, but I will keep watching. ...
I-8. A Case of Partial Trlsomy 17q: 46,~,inv dup(17) (9q24--*q25.3): Toshiaki SHIMIZU (Dept. Pediatr., Juntendo Univ., Tokyo), Satoru OHBA, Hideki MIYAGUCHI, Tadashi AKIYAMA, Takashi SHIBATA(Dept. Neonat., Juntendo Izunagaoka Hosp., Shizuoka), Tamiko SHINOHARA (Dept. Hum. Cyto...
None of the benign tumors and phyllodes tumors showed evidence of aneusomy for each chromosome. However, 71 of the 74 breast cancers (95.9%) for which sufficient material was available showed aneusomic for at least one of the three chromosomes tested. These results suggest that FISH analysis ...
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Here, we described the effects of direct current (DC) electric fields on propagating twin premixed methane flames in a counterflow, annular slot burner with particular emphasis on change of a flame displacement speed. Applying DC to a lower part of the burner with a grounded upper part, ...
Flame retardant master batches of Sb2O3, DBDPO, DBDPE were prepared with elastomer as carrier. The results showed that the system boasted better flame retardancy and other physical mechanical properties when using master batch.Xiang LiJian-Rong Shi...
The effect of DC electric field on the behaviors of spreading flame over polyethylene (PE)-insulated twin electrical wires was investigated by varying the wire gap (S) and voltage (V_(dc)). The twin flame spreads with the same flame spread rate (FSR) independently when no electric field ...