Microsoft Teams meeting是一款功能强大的团队协作软件,为用户提供了一个集聊天、视频会议、文件共享和项目管理于一体的平台。其直观的界面和易用性使得团队成员之间可以方便地进行沟通和协作。通过即时消息功能,用户可以快速分享想法、讨论问题,并实时获得反馈,视频会议功能允许团队成员随时进行面对面的远程会议,促进了远程...
Download Center Microsoft Store Support Returns Order tracking Education Microsoft in education Devices for education Microsoft Teams for Education Microsoft 365 Education Office Education Educator training and development Deals for students and parents ...
Take your online meetings to the next level. Microsoft Teams allows you to easily connect with coworkers, family, and friends on the device of your choice.
microsoft teams视频会议,一般又称Microsoft Teams。 Microsoft Teams 是你的团队合作中心,它将团队所需的一切汇集在一起: 聊天和线程对话、会议和视频会议、呼叫、利用 Microsoft 365 应用程序的功能进行内容协作以及创建和集成你的企业所依赖的应用和工作流的能力。现在,你还可以使用 Microsoft Teams 来管理你的个人...
Package: @microsoft/teams-js Interact with meetings, including retrieving meeting details, getting mic status, and sharing app content. This namespace is used to handle meeting related functionality like get meeting details, get/update state of mic, sharing app content and more. To learn more,...
I have a family subscription on Microsoft 365 which includes Microsoft Teams app ... i had a meeting using teams and after the meeting i failed to download...
Microsoft Teams 會議室專業管理服務是一種雲端式管理解決方案,可主動監視和更新 teams 會議室裝置及其介面設備Microsoft。 Teams 會議室專業版管理解決方案適用於想要為使用者優化會議室體驗的組織,並透過實時監控和管理Microsoft Teams 會議室裝置,快速擴展其業務量。
Download the Windows app: Download the Teams desktop app. Continue on this browser: Join a Teams meeting on the web. Open your Teams app: If you already have the Teams app, go right to your meeting. Type your name. Choose your audio and video settings. ...
Turn on the Allow attendance reporttoggle to generate, view, and download attendance reports. Use attendance reports to gain more insights about your meeting and participant behaviors. Meeting Theme Meeting themes, available in Teams Premium, apply visuals from your organization, like ...
in the Teams Admin under "User" in the tab "Events" I see the details, e.g. the particpants of a Teams Meeting. Is there any possibility to download this report? Is there anything planned? thanks...Show More admin Report Reply