Ice breaker or check-in:This can be used for checking in on the well-being of staff or a fun game (which we’ll get to more below) Core conversation:Use this to ask questions, express key observations and concerns, and express gratitude for others ...
Ice Breaker Greetings Class schedule Emotion check in Breathe Let’s discuss Getting to know you Affirmations Quote of the day Today’s schedule Class chant Joke time Simon says Morning message Daily Goals Class goals Class game Class activity ...
Breaking the Ice BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images Consider implementing this icebreaker game to have participants relaxed and get to know each other in case they are new. Pair up participants, and have them sit in a back-to-back position. Let them have a conversation. Once they complete t...
Inject Humor A bit of humor can lighten the mood and make meetings more enjoyable. Share a funny anecdote or a relevant joke to break the ice. Include Ice Breakers Start meetings with a quick ice breaker. This can be a simple question or a quick game that gets people talking and laughing...
Telephone Game For a professional take on the old grade-school game, play the telephone game. Before the meeting, come up with a statement that relates to the topic or a big project that is consuming the minds of your team. Whisper it to one person; he must turn to the next person an...
2. Break the ice Jigsaw puzzles as a meeting ice breaker [Source: Wikimedia Commons] The first few minutes of the meeting—especially when you’re waiting for people to join—can be awkward. As a team leader, take the responsibility to break the ice. You could ask about people’s weeken...
An ice breaker is an activity, game, or event that is used to welcome and warm up the conversation among participants in a meeting. Ice breakers range wildly, from simple one-question answers to elaborate team games. All ice breakers are designed to help the participants get to know one an...
If there’s anyone new in the meetings Dan asks them threeice-breaker questions. The first two: Who are you? How long have you been at HubSpot? The third question is something a little quirky, such as “What’s your favourite cheese?” or “Where was the last place you traveled to?
“We’ll continue to look at biomarkers to see what is improving, and that’s kind of the whole name of this game,” she says. And with that, the couple hopes to introduce a brood to their abode—five to seven children, to be exact, whom Kayla hopes will be biohackers, too. “I...
Costumes can also make a meeting playful, so think of themes that will allow members to dress up, such as “Wild West,”“Game of Thrones” and “Sports Fans.” 2Look at the Calendar Choosing atheme that’s timed with an upcoming holiday, season or special event is a quick way ...