Meet the Animals introduces kids to popular wild animals. With real photos and easy-to-read sentences, this nonfiction series helps kids to practice reading for information. 视频加载失败,请刷新页面再试 刷新 Meet the Animals 1- Great White Shark Meet th...
Meet the Animals 1- Great White Shark Meet the Animals 2-Mountain Gorilla Meet the Animals 3- Nile Crocodile Meet the Animals 4- Cheetah Meet the Animals 5- Grizzly Bear Meet the Animals 6-Gray Wolf Meet the Animals 7-- Great Horned Owl Meet th...
Meet the Animals --Great White Shark 2019-12-16 14:31:0002:16 192 所属专辑:国家地理英语阅读 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 小朋友们,今天的视频我们学习了大鲨鱼,大鲨鱼有什么样的特征呢? 首先,他们算是海洋中最大的鱼类之一了,他们喜欢在冰冷的海水中游行,而且,他们可是游泳健将哦,因为他们的尾巴很长并且非常...
Meet the Animals 1:Great White Shark 21 2024-05 3 Great White Shark 42 2024-05 4 Tom's brother will draw a blue flower on 22 2024-03 5 Bat and Friends 9:A New Home 40 2024-02 6 ts ds 46 2024-02 7 Bat and Friends 8:No Luck!
001_Meet the Animals 1_Great White Shark 002_Meet the Animals 2_Mountain Gorilla 003_Meet the Animals 3_Nile Crocodile 004_Meet the Animals 4_Cheetah 005_Meet the Animals 5_Grizzly Bear 006_Meet the Animals 6_Gray Wolf 007_Meet the Animals 7_Great Horned Owl 008_Meet the Animals 8_...
认识动物 Meet the Animals64集 动物科普英文动画带字幕版 01 Great White Shark 大白鲨 02 Mountain Gorilla 猩猩 03 Nile Crocodile 鳄鱼 04 Cheetah 猎豹 05 Grizzly Bear 棕熊 06 Gray Wolf 大灰狼 07 Great Horned Owl 猫头鹰 08 Walrus 海象 09 Octopus 章鱼 ...
001_Meet the Animals 1_Great White Shark(MP4、MP3、PDF) 002_Meet the Animals 2_Mountain Gorilla(MP4、MP3、PDF) 003_Meet the Animals 3_Nile Crocodile(MP4、MP3、PDF) 004_Meet the Animals 4_Cheetah(MP4、MP3、PDF) 005_Meet the Animals 5_Grizzly Bear(MP4、MP3、PDF) ...
001_Meet the Animals 1_Great White Shark 02:36 002_Meet the Animals 2_Mountain Gorilla 02:32 003_Meet the Animals 3_Nile Crocodile 02:22 004_Meet the Animals 4_Cheetah 02:33 005_Meet the Animals 5_Grizzly Bear 02:31 006_Meet the Animals 6_Gray Wolf 02:22 007_Meet the Animals 7...
Little Fox出品的系列动画《Meet the Animals》认识动物 ,孩子们在学习牢记动物相关英文的同时也可以了解到动物们的生活习性以及相关知识,完全是一套动画版的动物世界,一问一答的有趣教学方式,是非常棒的启蒙教学视频,我们常见的动物在动画中都会出现,非常实用,孩子们一定会喜欢。
great white shark 大白鲨 prey 猎物 --- mountain gorilla 山地大猩猩 ape 猿类,类人猿 hoot 喊叫 growl 低声吼叫 tree bark 树皮 silverback 银背大猩猩 ---…