electrocuting everyone in the pool. They all pretend to be knocked out, meaning Lum will get the hot kiss, but Kotatsu-neko saves her by turning everyone face-down in the pool, forcing them to “wake up” for air. With only six survivors, the next event is a pool race, and to motiv...
Julian: Patrick was the driving force behind this. But for me I’ve been on a little bit of a journey so it did come at the right time. Guess I wanted to get into playing the guitar again as I’d neglected it over the years maybe, been concentrating on other areas, of music, of...
Watch: Neko Case, Colexico Play ‘Ragtime’ on ‘Conan’ – Feb. 4, 2014 February 4, 2014 Video: Broken Bells Cover The Beatles’ ‘And I Love Her’ on ‘Letterman’ February 4, 2014 Audio: Bob Dylan & the Strange Story of ‘Baby, Let Me Follow You Down’ February 4, 2014 ...