Das Conference Vetting System gilt in der Branche als eine unabhängig geführte und einzigartige Initiative. Es prüft die Konformität von fremdveranstalteten, medizinischen Fortbildungskonferenzen und Ärztekongressen gegenüber dem MedTech-Kodex (MedTech Code of Ethical Business Practice), um...
MedTech Europe implemented the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice, which lays out guidelines on cost transparency. At the same time, low-cost players are challenging traditional pricing approaches; together with an increasing uptake of online tools and...
Compared to 2022, where 422 deals totaling USD 67.2 billion were reported, only 173 deals were reported with a deal value of USD 13.6 billion (till H1, 2023). Elective surgeries were back, but the backlog could not be cleared in 12 months across the US, UK, Australia, Europe, and ...
TheEUAIActproposescreatingcoordinatedAI“regulatorysandboxes”toencourageinnovationacrossEurope. Thesesandboxesallowbusinessestotestandrefinetheirnewproducts,services,orbusinessmodelsunderthe supervisionofregulators.Thiscontrolledenvironment givesinnovatorsasafespacetoexperimentwhilehelpingregulatorsunderstandnewtechnologiesand...
Why the SotA is important and how it can be leveraged by MedTech business functions What business functions can benefit from an early SotA Role of SotA in the CEP and CDP How conducting the CEP early in the design process assists design and development ...
As the first self-expanding TPVR product approved in China and Europe, VenusP-Valve carries remarkable clinical value. Uniquely designed with both flared ends, the product ensures the blood flow of branchial artery with bare stents at the outflow end. It provides a stable multi-point anchoring ...
As the first self-expanding TPVR product approved in China and Europe, VenusP-Valve carries remarkable clinical value. Uniquely designed with both flared ends, the product ensures the blood flow of branchial artery with bare stents at the outflow end. It provides a ...
everyone at Elos Medtech must represent the company in a way that meets ethical standards. To facilitate this, we have developed aCode of Conduct. The guidelines form the basis for our entire culture and include our stands on issues such as compensation, terms of employment, freedom of associa...
MedTech Europe – The European Medical Technology Industry Association Ausweitung des Conference Vetting Systems auf den Nahen Osten und Nordafrika Druckbares PDFImpressum Datenschutz Cookie Richtlinien Nutzungsbedingungen Digitales Zertifikat Whistleblowing Kontakt © Siemens 1996 – 2024...