Medpage 的交易名称为 Easylink,提供各种辅助技术,该公司推出了新型防撞垫,旨在减少床上跌倒造成的伤害。Medpage, which trades as Easylink and supplies a wide range of assistive technologies, has launched new crash mats that are designed to reduce injuries from bed falls.该公司表示,它与英国一家领先的...
Medpage 的交易名称为Easylink,提供各种辅助技术,该公司推出了新型防撞垫,旨在减少床上跌倒造成的伤害。 Medpage, which trades as Easylink and supplies a wide range of assistive technologies, has launched new crash mats that are designed to reduce injuries from bed falls. 该公司表示,它与英国一家领先的...
Easylink UK have over 30 own-brand products to aid independent living and supply many more View Products Dementia & Elderly Care Easylink UK created the MemRabel more than 10 years ago to assist people with failing memory. See our comprehensive range of products to aid dementia and senior care...
Medpage 的交易名称为 Easylink,提供各种辅助技术,该公司推出了新型防撞垫,旨在减少床上跌倒造成的伤害。 Medpage, which trades as Easylink and supplies a wide range of assistive technologies, has launched new crash mats that are designed to reduce injuries from bed falls. 该公司表示,它与英国一家领先的...
Medpage 的交易名称为 Easylink,提供各种辅助技术,该公司推出了新型防撞垫,旨在减少床上跌倒造成的伤害。 Medpage, which trades as Easylink and supplies a wide range of assistive technologies, has launched new crash mats that are designed to reduce injuries from bed falls. ...