this magic bag is perfect for a variety of sensory calming toys and group therapy skills. Its stretchable design allows for a snug fit that comfortably wraps the body, providing a soothing and secure environment. Whether used for occupational therapy fun trivia or as a tool for documenting occup...
was looking for some random music tonight--like, really random music--to send to the trivia masters for this year'sGreat Midwest Trivia Contest. i totally loved this totally geek-infested event that takes place in the bleak midwinter at my alma mater. and last year, i couldn't bare sitti...
So my aesthetic of trivia is different from a lot of those people. And when I was writing or editing a lot of quiz questions, I would privilege the puzzle-solvingJeopardy!thing. The bringing together facts from different fields, including lowbrow culture. And that doesn’t ...
Judging by the way these students answered their questions in this test, it's safe to say that they may not have felt too comfortable answering them, and one of the instincts when you feel discomfort is to turn to comedy. So this kid decided to answer the second part ...