well-done steak B. medium rare steak C. medium well steak D. rare ste
I'd like my steakmedium. “ 七分熟 ” medium well 七分熟 上面提及了五分熟是用medium,如果不喜欢牛排还呈现粉红色,更多人会选择七分熟,那你可以在medium后面加一个well,表示再熟2分。 举个例子: Can I have itmedium wellplease? “全熟” well-done 全熟 “well done”是做得好,good job的意思,那两...
medium well -- 牛排七八分熟 well done -- 全熟的牛排 Do you prefer your steak rare, ...
牛排的熟度|doneness of steak 全生blue rare 一分熟rare 三分熟medium rare 五分熟medium 七分熟medium well 全熟well done #创作灵感 #英语启蒙 #生活英语 # - Koko的英渣老爸于20240521发布在抖音,已经收获了588个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
My best guess is medium steak is 50% to 60% cooked. 收起回复 举报|3楼2017-09-17 23:57 Alexcwlin 武林高手 9 Icy's question:medium well 我原以为是50个percent,因为看到了medium 后来又百度了,发现是7分熟的意思 well是好的意思,表示50%~100% medium就是好的一半,相当于70% 所以medium well...
1、rare (1)释义:adj.(形容词)罕见的;珍贵的;煎得嫩的 (2)例句:It is rare to find such a genius nowadays.这样的天才现在很少见。2、medium (1)释义:adj.(形容词) 中等的;适中的 n.(名词) 手段;媒介;媒体 (2)例句:The blue cap is a medium size.那顶蓝色的...
Well Done Medium Well Medium Medium Rare Rare ??? How about you? 你呢? a medium rare steak I'm most partial to 我最喜欢三分熟的牛排。 -well done 0 shape pinky SHC -medium -medium rare o shape third finger CIN -rare o shape third finger 小指“0”型——全熟 Feel here. 感受一下...
I'd prefer my steak medium well. 我的牛排要七分熟。 437 2017-05 2 Could I have some ice cream for dessert. 354 2017-05 3 I'd like the steak, but could I get it well done? 226 2017-05 4 I'd like to order the salmon. 我想点三文鱼。