In this sense, the media means something like "the press." Like other collective nouns, it may take a singular or plural verb depending on the intended meaning. If the point is to emphasize the multifaceted nature of the press, a plural verb may be more appropriate: The media have ...
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
His creations come in an extraordinary range of mediums and look to genres inspired by popular culture, science, and art history. FromThe Daily Beast Hence we find them frequently patronizing "mediums" and fortune tellers of various kinds. FromProject Gutenberg The oracles which the Deity has r...
The word "media" is complex because its meaning has changed dramatically over a relatively short period of time. It started out as the plural of the word "medium," meaning "intermediate" or "middle," and was also used to describe multiple artistic materials, including paint, clay, metal, a...
First recorded in 1855–60, psychic originates from the Greek word psȳchikós, meaning “of the soul.” Go Behind The Words! Get the fascinating stories of your favorite words in your inbox. By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Terms & Conditions and Privacy policies....
Next, we generalize (7.761) to a non-linear pressure equation in the sense that the permeability depends on the pressure field, meaning that also the diffusivity varies with pressure. Such a non-linear pressure equation can be expressed as (7.762)∂tpf=1r2∂r[D(pf)r2∂rpf]. In summa...
The article deals with a text as the medium of meaning. Husserl's phenomenology is considered as a practice which is similar to meditation and contemplation of the "Spiritual Exercises" of St. Ignatius of Loyola.Sodeika,TomasSOTER - Journal of Religious Science...
(1995), and can rarely be derived directly from macroscopic parameters such as porosity. The state-of-the-art in diverse scientific and technologic fields has endowed a more abundant meaningand implied numerous motivations for research, with a variety of applications such as compactheat exchangers,...
[Middle Englisharterie, from Latinartēria, from Greekartēriā,windpipe, artery; seewer-inIndo-European roots.] Word History:The changed meaning of the wordarteryprovides a glimpse into the history of medical science. The word is derived from the ancient Greekartēriā,a word originally applied t...
meaning that posts are, at best, roughly located by the social media platform (e.g., “North Phoenix”). In other cases, no geo-location information is accessible at all. This, in combination with the uncertain accuracy of user-reported flooding mentioned earlier, means that social media dat...