it may take a singular or plural verb depending on the intended meaning. If the point is to emphasize the multifaceted nature of the press, a plural verb may be more appropriate:The media have covered the trial in a variety of formats.Quite frequently, however,mediastands as a singular noun...
We wish to distinguish between two forms of communication or the transfer of information in the biosphere, namely biosemiosis in living organisms mediated by the chemical interactions of biomolecules and other forms of physical interactions such as signaling, on the one hand, and human communication...
The transition parameter in this case has statistical meaning, being the average magnetization in the down-track and cross-track direction, calculated over multiple independent transitions. On the microscopic level, the processes, taking place at the transition, are quite complicated and include ...
Meanwhile, simply assigning medium's power to its influence on human behavior and mind,especially to the shaping and extension of human senses and psychology,McLuhan neglected the broader meaning of medium's power.This paper,based on the concept of "power",tries to establish a more balanced ...
The Toda flow describes an integrable interaction of several particles on a line with an exponential potential between neighbours, while its continuous version is an integrable PDE, whose physical meaning was obscure. Here we show that this continuous Toda flow can be naturally regarded as a ...
As astounding as it may still seem to many, Bell’s theorems do not prove nonlocality. Non separable multipartite objects exist classically, meaning w
It is shown that the criterion of incompressibility applicable to any medium,contradicts to the real meaning of this term. On the basis of expression of speedof sound in inhomogeneous medium and generalized equation of continuity of massobtained in pa...doi:10.4236/jmp.2013.48144Vladimir G. Kirts...
Meaning of life and the universe: Transforming the Means, Medium & Message of Life Illuminating water & Life, Essay in Honour of Emilio Del Giudice Fractal Mathematics & the Fabric of Nature Story of Phi Space-time is Fractal & Quantum Coherent in the Golden MeanReadership: ... Ho,Mae-Wan...
August 17, 2017 Fate of in-medium heavy quarks via a Lindblad equation Davide De Boni Department of Physics, College of Science, Swansea University, Swansea SA2 8PP, United Kingdom E-mail: Abstract: What is the dynamics of heavy quarks and antiquarks in a quark gluon ...
Annihilation rates for a positron interacting with two unpaired-spin electrons in a dense environment have been calculated in terms of parameters having the physical meaning of electron-positron contact densities. The influence on annihilation rates of an external magnetic field has been explicitly taken...