Meditation heals chakras, the energy points in our body. These chakras are located in the astral body along the spine. Each chakra coincides with a physical counterpart of the body such as veins, nerves, and arteries, and each radiates a specific color and energy. Meditation for chakra healin...
One need not focus on the individual chakras for the healing to begin. This is unnecessary to your success in balancing them. Just focus the mind in meditation, let it rest in the inner awareness of self, and you will find that the chakras are aligned and purified in the process. It re...
Each Chakra can be used in forms of meditation techniques to heal certain parts of the body as well as heal others by focusing on there energy centers. So as well as balancing Chakras can be used for spiritual healing as well. It is also believed Chakras help the body go deeper in medit...
The good news is that you can take action right now to heal your mind, body, and soul and clear the toxic stresses of life from your energetic field.By balancing and awakening your chakras you bring them into alignment, with the divine current — a place of boundless energy, vitality, ...
Clear and balance your chakras (energy centers). Heal your soul fractures and reclaim your inner child. Get to the root cause of an issue. Heal physical and emotional pain. Turn old wounds into new wisdom. Create a new map of reality. ...
在Apple Music 上收听Sound Therapy Masters的《Boost Aura Energy: Improve Meditation, Healing Chakras, Free Thought, Soul Journey, Subliminal Perception, Yoga & Serenity》。2017年。50 首歌曲。时长:3 小时 1 分钟
Chakras are also known as energy centers inside our body, places where our strength, will-power and life energy gather and get channeled through the rest of the body. They work together to achieve physical balance, which is of utmost importance for health and well-being. ...
This is a great way to connect with the Chakras and continue to a new felt sense of presence in the body, tools to self-regulate the Nervous System, and you will be able to find alignment in your Chakra system - all beneficial towards reducing stress, burnout, anxiety and creating a ...
(energy centres) and through the meditation techniques learnt along the way you can understand the vibrations of your own energy centres. If you feel unwell you meditate and use the techniques you’ve learnt to heal your chakras, and you can then feel the centres clearing, and as a ...
如果時間充裕,可再進行一個簡單的能量保護冥想,抵禦外來影響。較早前我的文章曾經介紹過,可作參考:。 下次我會介紹一個讓力量歸回自己的冥想法。 CARLIE 預約及查詢 Whatsapp 61106369 免費訂閱每日CARLIE 塔羅/心靈/愛情/生活思考主題文章 ...