As Shri Mataji says, you are only a pure spirit, whatever your mind or anyone else would say! Spirit is a source of peace, love and all knowledge! So open your heart to reality and love! Read more How meditation for 10 minutes twice a day had helped me Channel 10 (Australia) ...
[youtube][/youtube] Click on the image above to launch “Wave Therapy,” a 10-minute guided meditation video. Stay tuned. I’ll be writing more about the benefits of meditation here on The Daily Downward Dog and sharing Hang Ten Meditation vi...
YouTube videos related to The Body-The Breath-The Mind In your meditation today... May your body be still and comfortable... May your head, neck and trunk be aligned... May your breath be smooth, slow, serene, and
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Training How Much Rest Do You Need Between Workouts? 14 Cross-Training Activities for Runners How to Set Up a Treadmill 7 Strategies for Completing Hard Runs There’s a Secret to Train Your Brain to Run Longer ...
YouTube .youtube.com6 monthsThis cookie is used to store the user's consent and privacy choices for their interaction with the site. It records data on the visitor's consent regarding various privacy policies and settings, ensuring that their preferences are honored in future sessions. ...
Get into a place where you can sit comfortably and uninterrupted for about 20 minutes.You should hopefully not be driving or anything tensing or unrelaxing. If you feel comfortable to do so, I invite you to close your eyes. Guided Relaxation / Gu...
Get into a place where you can sit comfortably and uninterrupted for about 20 minutes.You should hopefully not be driving or anything tensing or unrelaxing. If you feel comfortable to do so, I invite you to close your eyes. Guided Relaxation / Guided Meditatio...
levels, meditation is exercise to strengthen your brain. Just as you can’t run a marathon when you’ve tried running for ten minutes, you can’t strengthen your brain after meditating for ten minutes. And yes, you’re probably going to be all over the place when you start, in both ...
Instead of telling you to ‘clear your mind’, let’s approach this more methodically. Here’s what you should do to get through those ten minutes: Keep focusing on your breath and the way your body feels. Pay attention to the sounds and smells around you and remain aware of them, all...
Ten Percent Happier Headspace Stop, Breathe & Think Alternatives: Youtube Channels For Guided Sleep Meditation Yellowbrick Cinema Jason Stephenson Michael Sealey Bonus: Sleep Hygiene and Extra Tips Exercise Set a Sleep Schedule Create a Bedtime Ritual ...