Looking for affordable Yoga and Meditation in Rishikesh. Join Spiritual Life Homes and enjoy Spiritual Retreat in India from a team of expert yogis.
In 2015, with no prior meditation practice, I decided to take a meditation course in the form of a10-day silent Vipassana retreat. People warned me that it was a very aggressive beginning to a sitting practice, but I persisted because I thought that it would give me a framework for a me...
Deodhar says after he did an advanced meditation retreat for five days, he felt a big shift in his dedication to his daily practice. “It became effortless,” he says, adding that as an entrepreneur, meditation keeps his hectic lifestyle grounded. “People give the excuse that meditation ...
Another bonus is that meditators could choose whether or not they want to have a silent retreat or not. To me, I don’t see that much value in a silent retreat. I think talking should be kept to a minimum but to me, there’s no point in making the entire retreat silent without any...
If life has you feeling spread too thin, it may be time for a little concentrated self-care. This three-day program makes the perfect weekend retreat, helping you take time away to fully recharge. Designed to start on a Friday night and conclude on Sunday, you’ll be guided through a ...
The amount of time you choose to spend meditating may change based on experience and circumstances. It often takes several minutes (or more) just to settle in and sit with the mind, so beginners may want to start by planning for 10 minutes three times a week. ...
“arbitrary, intrusive, and discriminatory” and claims that retreat applicants “simply hide their psychiatric history on the application to avoid stigmatization.” They also write that people with schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, or bipolar disorder have not only completed meditation ...
The cabins for the retreat. Adorable, well-built, full of spiders. For most people that’s not an issue, but for me it proved very difficult. I was already concerned about the coming days of silence and discipline. My mind simply drew a blank when trying to strategize about the spiders...
Raja Yoga retreats, Hatha Yoga retreats, Meditation retreats, and Yoga & Writing retreats are held in Texas at retreat centers near Austin & Houston, Massachusetts, Yelapa Mexico, Costa Rica, and Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. These Yoga vacations are led by Charles MacInerney who is often assisted...
After understanding the essence of meditation, you will have a better idea of all the different methods and techniques out there. You will also understand exactly which benefits meditation can bring to you and why. However, there is still one common question for beginners: How long should it ...