poetic texts, lik loung, that form the basis of temple-sleeping practice, may have shifted in content in the 19th to 20th centuries to focus on meditation topics, in a move parallel to the development of vipassan膩 in lowland Burma in reaction to the threat colonialism posed to Buddhism. I...
Before exploring the various meditation practices within Buddhism, it’s crucial to grasp the foundational elements that make up this rich tradition. Here is a brief introduction to the 3 main types of meditation taught in Buddhism, each offering a unique path to mindfulness and enlightenment: Sama...
InBuddhism, meditation is one of the three core practices for the purification of mind and attainment of Nirvana. (Learn more about the history of meditationhere.) Besides focus of attention, meditation also involves mental calmness and introspection (“looking within”). Meditation is, thus, some...
Buddhism is known throughout the world for promoting the technique of meditation. Infact, meditation is considered to be one of the basic elements that make up Buddhism. It is deemed to be one of the essential practices in the path to enlightenment. In Buddhist tradition, each and every medit...
A comprehensive survey of Buddhist meditation practices in their various geographical contexts, both ancient and modern. Discusses early Buddhist meditation as well as devotional practices and traditions unique to India, China, Tibet, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan. ...
“Try to keep your mind, keep your thoughts coming back, back, back to these values, to these practices. Whenever you’re free, go back to the breath. Try to develop mindfulness, alertness, ardency in your practice. Even if you can’t do it full-time, do it whenever you find room...
Are you looking for the next steps in your meditation journey? Want to go deeper into your practice but not sure how? Wondering if you are doing the right practices or doing the practices “correctly”? Feeling drawn to studying Buddhist philosophy and wisdom teachings as a path of practice?
a more general interest in Buddhism, UTBF's Dharma centers teach philosophy, meditation and specific Buddhist practices. utbf.org 為接引初學者和有興趣接觸佛法的人,UTBF在各地的學佛中心設有哲學、 靜坐 及佛 教特定 修行 方 法 的 教學。 utbf.org [...] Assembly, the President shall invite the...
However, “meditation” in its modern sense also refers to a separate practice unrelated to Christian meditations. In the late nineteenth century, Theosophists adopted the word “meditation” to refer to various spiritual practices drawn from Hinduism,Buddhism, and other Eastern religions. Thus the ...
Explore hundreds of free guided meditations with Declutter The Mind. Build mindfulness, reduce stress, and develop mental clarity with meditation practices for all levels.