正念冥想(Mindfulness Meditation)是源自佛教的心理训练方法,通过有意识地关注当下,培养非评判性的觉察力,以改善注意力、情绪调节等,应用于心理健康、压力管理、教育和企业管理等领域。 Mindfulness Meditation:一种深度的心理训练方法 Mindfulness Meditation的定义与起源 正念冥想(Mindfulness...
Enhanced Attention and Concentration: "Mindfulness training improves working memory capacity and GRE per...
听力练耳【每周英语冥想】 Mindfulness Meditation to Come Home of Your True Self 62 -- 18:52 App 听力练耳【英语冥想】Morning Meditation for Clarity through Growth 648 -- 2:06:55 App [The Honest Guys]冥想合集 74 -- 10:06 App 听力练耳【每周英语冥想】10-Minute Guided Meditation 370 -- ...
[冥想引导-正念冥想(活在当下)]Daily Calm 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation(Be Present) 6644 4 2:43 App 【正念=超能力?】Why Mindfulness Is a Superpower(中英字幕) 2948 2 3:47 App [自制中英双语]正念(Mindfulness)是什么? 百万播放 121万 2336 6:15 App 每天早上听一遍!尝试21天,改变你的生活。
Mindfulnessmeditation: In thiskindof meditation,commonlyassociated withBuddhism, youfocusinonthepresentmoment. 沉思型冥想:这种冥想方式通常语佛教有关,它是让人将意识集中到眼前的瞬间。 hcj4584.spaces.live.com 2. RecentlyscientistsfromMassachusettsGeneralHospitalhad16participantstake an eight-weekmindfulnessmeditat...
but mindfulness is the type where you bring your full mind to an object.” Being mindful of your breath, for example, is a common form of mindfulness during meditation. Following your breath improves your awareness of being in the present. This is called mindfulness meditation, known asshamatha...
[Balinda荐言] 很多心理精神上的疾病都是从青少年时期开始的,因此,无论是作为父母还是老师,都应该格外注意孩子的心理健康。作者琼斯博士认为,在青少年时期,通过学习正念冥想,学会如何控制压力和焦虑将有助于他们在成年后顺利过渡到成人生活。 青少年的生活比大多数成年人想象的要复杂得多。许多青少年正尝试同时让学业与...
Mindfulness can be cultivated through various techniques, such as mindfulness meditation, body scans, and mindful breathing exercises. By practicing mindfulness regularly, individuals can develop a greater sense of self-awareness and emotional resilience. Meditation, on the other hand, is a broader term...