Music is a powerful form of art that can help you relax and focus. Music has been around for centuries and it is still one of the most popular forms of entertainment. It can help us to relax and focus, but it also has many other benefits. ...
Music is a powerful form of art that can help you relax and focus. Music has been around for centuries and it is still one of the most popular forms of entertainment. It can help us to relax and focus, but it also has many other benefits. ...
These 37 Sankalpa provide a roadmap for personal fulfillment and collective good. By focusing on the most vital intentions first, you can create a life rich in health, prosperity, and purpose. Whether your aim is personal growth or global change, these Sankalpa can light the way. Final Sankal...
MindTastik Meditation facilitates learning and practicing meditation and provides custom meditations for the everyday work and family issues everyone deals with. The app includes guided and unguided meditations, affirmations, and sounds and music to help you move into deeper states of consciousness, fre...
Now, if you do rhythmic breathing, if you breathe in for two and out for four, or you double your exhalation time, breathe in for four or out for eight in a rhythm. I’ve got really deep into doing with music and stuff, and that’s what we callSoma Breath. You can ...
t and won’t listen to music and definitely don’t and won’t have a conversation when I’m doing my body maintenance. When I practice any kind of movement I allow myself to fall into a meditative state. For me, that means focusing on what I am doing – deeply –not falling asleep...
” There never was only one final sacred work for all seekers.” “Reincarnation and Karma and Yoga are the true paths to salvation.” This is what a great soul does for his students, Chelas and devotees ! ...
With the kids—I’d put on some rhythmic music and we’d all dance our pants off. All to cut through the suffering and embrace life on life’s terms and be well-equipped to live an abundant, generous life. Intensive care. That’s the ticket! Are you ready to ride?
No reading, writing, listening to music, dancing, singing, using your phone or emails. Be respectful to all in the temple, living there and visiting. I read this off several websites online You cannot kill any living being – This includes mosquitos and cockroaches ...