Gerard Manley Hopkins's poems often centre on religious meanings, symbols, and themes illustrated through nature. One meaning of the 'The Windhover' is that the glory of God is reflected in nature. This meaning can best be understood through exploration of the poem's ...
in both its spoken and its written manifestations. If the semiology of space is characterized by elaboration and repetition over the centuries, we are led to inquire about the fate of the linguistic sign as it was treated in several...
2021. ‘Auschwitz, Qanon, Viking tattoos: the white supremacist symbols sported by rioters who stormed the Capitol.’ France24, January 7. Accessed 25 April 2024. ...
Discover the most popular and effective Medieval Shields of the Medieval Period such as the Heater and Kite Shield used by Knights and the Pavise Shield used by infantry soldiers such as Crossbowmen. Learn about Medieval Shield Heraldry, Coats of Arms, Symbols & Colours Meaning, and Much More!
Virgil)andTheology(Beatrice).•Symbolswithmultiplemeanings(3,7,9,10,100)•Threebooks:Inferno(33+1cantos),Purgatory(33cantos),Paradise(33cantos)〈地獄篇〉〈煉獄篇〉〈天堂篇〉•EpicoftheMiddleAges:writteninthedialectofTuscan•Preparationforthelifeafterdeath 4.Chaucer(喬塞,1343?-1400):
The dolls against which Mattel’s ‘Gender Neutral’ toy defines itself are those sexualised figures – symbols of a brand of capitalist gender enforcement against which feminism frequently defines itself – of Barbie and Ken. As is often stated, Barbie’s teetering high-heel-deformed feet ...
“The King to all unto whom &c. Greeting. Know ye, that the sages and most famous philosophers of ancient times have taught, and recorded in their writings and books under signs and symbols,that many glorious and noteworthy medicines can be made from wine, precious stones, oils, vegetables...
The Virgin is presented as “Queen of Heaven”, and is seated under a canopy with red curtains held apart by angels. She sits on a red cut velvet bolster, holding the Christ child in her lap. Her crown and medallion are symbols of her virginity. She wears a minutely detailed brooch, ...
They are so much associated with pilgrims that they are a part of what identifies a pilgrim (the bag, and staff are often used as symbols for pilgrims). Pilgrims are of course the very example of medieval people that are travelling. But they are also in a way very non-representative for...