The garrotte was another name for hanging in the Middle Ages during the middle Ages lawmakers were always looking for ways to improve punishment techniques and in the 18th century, the idea of slow strangulation was an idea that became popular amongst lawmakers. Garotte Torture Device The Head Cr...
And more important in order to keep in mind the truly significance of these literary works: all these transgressor behaviours are in fact so bad deeds that will remind without any kind of punishment in the future and they configure together moral topics represented per negationem in satirical ...
mentor to some of the greatest men in history, and a formidable force that reshaped the laws regarding women’s rights to allow women the right to divorce, the right to own property, and made rape a capital punishment. All in all, a pretty amazing trajectory from a back alley brothel to...
Lady Corned Beef and Sir Lard are not so lucky: they are hanged as “just punishment for their deeds”. Carnival languishes in jail until Palm Sunday when he escapes as he is being escorted to mass. He is soon welcomed back in the company of Sir Love in celebration of Easter, while La...
Wunderli shows that although adultery cases ‘flooded the court’ in the late fifteenth century, conviction rates were low. Conviction entailed the enforcement of punishment, penance and/or compensation or child support, but even if few were convicted, adultery prosecutions served a social purpose....
Divine punishment for the sins was the first explanation proposed in connection with the series of earthquakes that ravished the kingdom of Aragon in 1374. Penitential processions in three consecutive days were organised in the city of Barcelona soon after the worst of these earthquakes had struck...
Human punishment, Abelard replies, may be justified where there is no guilt; a woman who has overlain her infant unawares is punished to make others more careful. 亚伯拉德回答说,在没有罪过的地方,人类的惩罚可能是正当的;一个无意中压死她婴儿的女人被惩罚是为了让其他人更加小心。
In the middle ages torture was used for punishment, interrogation, and deterrence. It is easy to consider ourselves more humane these days, but while some of the devices listed here would lead to death, we have, in modern times, mastered the ability of inflicting extreme pain for indefinite ...
was sought by early modern readers. Agood example of this worldview is the cause for Peter and Maguelone’s separa-tion: it was a punishment for Peter for having lustfully looked at Maguelone whileshe was sleeping (he even began to undress her). This central scene of the Mague-lone story...
the four kingdomsturn into a divine tool for the sake of chastising and punishing the people ofIsrael, whereupon the four empires in their turn will be overthrown and punishedfor their evil acts. Here can be noticed that this mode of interpretation is closelybound to a prominent example from...