Corvus Corax, named after the Latin term for the common raven, is a German band renowned for their vibrant and energetic performances that draw upon the rich musical heritage of the Medieval era. Employing authentic period instruments such as the shawm, percussion, and various stringed instruments...
Explore the Middle Ages, the period in European history between the fall of the Roman Empire & the Renaissance period through in-depth history articles, podcasts, slideshows and more.
events and significant interludes, throughout the medieval period. They’re bit like a ‘neural motorway’. I don’t need to think about them – they’re just there. And to continue the analogy, other dates
To explain why I am standing outside the dinner theater juggernaut Medieval Times in the name of journalism, I would have to go back to the beginning: specifically, to 500 CE, the generally agreed upon start of the Middle Ages, which is a contemporary term for a 1,000-year period (500...
Battle of Bosworth Field 1485 *End of Medieval Period 100 years wars 1337 – 1453 |116 years of Warfare The Hundred years was the longest war in all history and actually raged for 116 years! France was the largest kingdom in Western Europe and the ‘House of Plantagenet’ from the Angev...
which broke the power of the Muslims in Spain forever. Soon only the emirate of Granada was left, but as a vassal of Castile. Throughout the period there was also frequent fighting between states of the same religion, and Muslim and Christian warriors often had few qualms about serving princ...
Needless to say, the mosques, minarets, ramparts, and palaces you see today span thousands of years and bear the marks of different civilizations and faiths. Many of the city’s most iconic landmarks date to the medieval period. In the Sultanahmet neighborhood, the opulent Hagia Sophia, ...
Based on archaeological and historical data, the medieval period of the 11th through 16th centuries AD was the heyday of Swahili Coast trading communities. But that data has also shown that the African merchants and sailors of the Swahili Coast began totradein international goods at least 300-50...
3100BC – 2575BC: The Early Dynastic Period(See Main Article: Ancient Egypt Timeline: From the Pre-Dynastic to the Late Periods)Period Date Dynasty Important People Important Events Late Predynastic 3100 BC – 2950 BC 0 Menes North and south Egypt united Hieroglyphic writing developed ...
The earliest known references to the site date back to the turbulent period of the late 9th century, when it became a bargaining chip between the various Islamic powers in the area, embroiled in constant internal conflicts. According to the Arabic chronicles, Sancius, King of Pamplona, ...