English from French Meaning: "tribe woman" Description: Genevieve is derived from the Germanic medieval name Genovefa, or Kenowefa, which consists of the elementskuni, meaning "kin", andwefa, meaning "woman." The medieval saint Genevieve, patroness of Paris, defended the city against Attila the...
- French language. - The field management window also shows the number of scheduled crops. - Hiding HUD also hides crafting progress count and all notifications. - Wolves now howl from time to time during idle state instead when start attacking the player. - Chinese language. - Brazili...
The story goes Marco Polo told this French guy all about his travels while he was in prison in Genoa. The first manuscript ofThe Travels of Marco Polois 13thcentury and was written in Old French. Anyway, one of the little stories[1]he heard was from his brothers Nicolas and Maffeo when...
An excavation project in northwestern France has uncovered the ruins of a medieval castle with its moat still intact as well as jewelry and other artifacts, officials said. The castle, believed to be around 600 years old, was not unknown to archaeologist when they began a "preventative" dig o...
A photo was taken by Robert French in the late nineteenth-early twentieth century and shows the well surrounded by low wall on three sides covered with a large flat flag stone. The walls are made up by irregular shaped stones of different sizes. The area surrounding the well is without ...
Emma Campbell, Medieval Saints' Lives: The Gift, Kinship and Community in Old French Hagiography (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2008). xii + 274 pp. ISBN 978-1-84384-180-7. 55-00.Medieval French hagiography has only relatively recently entered the mainst...
Still more French knots. R.o.S up close The mother is coming, make room!Lower Half of the background Update. It has taken two years to get to this point, I have embroidered some, researched raise figural embroidery some. But it is slowly coming together. Stay tuned as I post part tw...
Miniature of Vincent of Beauvais in a manuscript of theSpeculum Historiale, translated into French by Jean de Vignay, Bruges, c.1478-1480. / Courtesy British Library,Wikimedia Commons Seemingly without limits, thesacra paginain the Books of nature and Scripture affirms correspondences in a ...
A formidable and proud French woman, who married for political purposes, Margaret was unafraid of engaging with the factionalism of her husband’s all-male council. She fought fiercely, if not always astutely, when her son’s birthright came under attack, and made strategic alliances wherever ...
The medieval picture below comes from a French romance where the wife is in the servant’s truckle bed, unbeknownst to her husband, to find out about his goings-on in a story which is more risqué thanThe Little House on The Prairie. In 17th century London Samuel Pepys’ maidservant slep...