The series sees you guiding a dynasty throughout The Middle Ages, protecting and providing for your people while expanding your empire. You can be a virtuous god-fearing king who unites all the religious powers or branch off and do your own thing. This is all while dealing with peasant rebe...
3 The object of enquiry was the size of army that the Carolingians’ successors in Germany, the dynasty we call the Ottonians, could put into the field, and Werner wanted it to be big; his paper had been provoked by a work by a guy called Delbrück which wanted to minimise the war ...
Subplots should be introducedafterthe inciting incident has taken place. If you introduce them too soon, they can distract the reader, making for a haphazard story arc. In my opinion, side quests work best if they are presented once the tone of the book and the main crisis has been establi...