www.medieval-castle.com: information on medieval castles, their history and design, medieval life, haunted castles, fantasy castles etc.
解析 B。解析:在中世纪的欧洲,城堡是贵族的家,塔楼主要用于防御。A选项“the chapel”是用于宗教仪式的地方。C选项“the banquet hall”是用于宴会的地方。D选项“the library”是藏书的地方。本题考查对中世纪城堡不同部分功能的认识,无特殊语法知识点。
Medieval Europe - Epic History of Medieval Europe During and Powerful European Countries of the Middle Ages - Images, Information & Facts of Medieval European Countries!
Since this amazing era of history ended, countless cities in Europe have managed to retain their Medieval elements, architecture, charm, and flair. From mighty walled cities, to small villages with castles, and Gothic meccas, there are a lot of well-preserved Medieval towns to visit in Europe....
This Ukranian fortress is one of the best-preserved medieval castles in Europe. Kent, England Saltwood Castle This Norman castle has been the scene of assassination plots, religious persecution, and Nazi conspiracies throughout its long history.See...
Many regard this as the Dark Ages—a time in Europe of famine, plague and constant war. Yet medieval Europe was also a time of scientific and artistic awakening. Magnificent castles and cathedrals were built. Trade began to expand. Crusades, new trade routes, and the dawn of the great age...
Between AD 1000 and 1500, a lively society developed in Europe. Although most people still worked on the land, this was also the age of CASTLES, cathe
Life in a Castle The Feudal System Country Life and Agriculture Castle Index Page Motte and Bailey Castles Square Keeps Locations of over 300 Castles A..Z list of Medieval Buildings Medieval Games This Day in History Glossary of Terms About TimeRef.com Text Only Version x-x-large ...
Medieval Castles Medieval Weapons Medieval Armour | Shields Medieval Battles | Wars Medieval Clothing Medieval Knights Medieval Music Medieval Torture Medieval Swords Medieval Food Medieval Life Medieval Times History Medieval Art Medieval Europe Medieval Kings The Crusades Medieval Architecture Medieval Period ...
From walled fortresses to quaint cobbled villages, here are 8 unmissable medieval towns and villages to visit in Europe.