ORARI E MODALITÀ DI ACCESSO Il Dott. Giulio Lilli è parte della Medicina di Gruppo di Breda di Piave. Lo Studio Medico è a Breda di Piave in via San Pio X, 2/C ed è organizzato secondo i seguenti orari e modalità d’accesso: -Lunedì dalle 15 alle 18 (su appuntamento) -...
I nostri pacchetti salute sono personalizzati e pensati ad hoc per lo sportivo, famiglia e donna al fine di effettuare una prevenzione e in caso di necessità una tempestiva diagnosi. SCOPRI I NOSTRI PACCHETTI Bios Social Flow-Flow message: Stream with specified ID not found or no feeds were...
A counselling approach is very helpful to support mothers. The need for better curricular and in-service training for the paediatricians on the physiology of breastfeeding as well as on counselling techniques is stressed.RAFFAELE D'ERRICO
The Authors point out to the need of reorienting the demand to make the use of the NHS family paedia- trician more effective.GIAN LUIGI ALESSANDRINIANGELA BARACHINO
The equipment which is currently used in the office for diagnostic self-help, as well as an evaluation of its usefulness, is also provi- ded. Finally, the Authors describe their involvement in continuous medical education and teaching programmes.LEO VENTURELLIGIANNI CASO...
TRE ANNI DI PEDIATRIA DI FAMIGLIASummaryA paediatric practitioners caring for 800 children aged 0-14 years describes his ex- perience of solo-practice in a suburban area of Milan, Italy from Jan 1, 1994 th- rough Dec 31, 1996. Data provide quanti- fication of office visits, home visits, ...
Rapporti tra il Dipartimento Emergenza-Accettazione e il pediatra di famiglia: esperienze a confrontoSummaryThe causes and the modalities of the access to the emergency hospital department of 155 children during a mean period of 7.5 years has been evaluated. Hospital admission was more frequent when...