The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency regulates medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK. MHRA is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department of Health and Social Care .
官网: 英国按照脱欧协议,2023年7月1日起,不再认可欧盟CE认证,要求获得英国认证机构的UKCA认证 MHRA分为三个主要部门: MHRA Regulatory – the regulator for the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries制药和医疗...
英语缩写词 "MHRA",全称为 "Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (UK)",中文直译即为“药品和保健品管理局(英国)”。这个缩写词主要用于表示英国对该领域产品的监管机构,它涵盖了药品和保健品的监管职责。其拼音为 "yào pǐn hé bǎo jiàn pǐn guǎn lǐ jú yīng gu...
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Sort By: Page 1 of 23 - About 226 essays Medical Device Recall: This recall covered two areas: making claims in promotional materials that claims in promotional materials that constitute a medical device but not filing the product as a medical...
MHRA 机构介绍 MHRA 的全称是Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency医药和健康产品管理局。MHRA是属于英国的主管药品和医疗器械的政府部门。在英国脱欧后,医疗器械的上市前和上市后的监管都将由M...
网络释义 1. 药物和保健产品监管署 英国的药品监管机构——药物和保健产品监管署(Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency)建议大家不要从网络 …|基于46个网页 2. 医疗药品暨保健产品管理局 英国《每日邮报》十六日报导,英国「医疗药品暨保健产品管理局」(Medicines and Healthcare product...
药品和健康产品管理局英文简称MHRA,英文全称为Medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency. MHRA为英国卫生部下属的执行政府机构,主管药物和医疗器械的安全和有效,其性质类似于美国FDA或者国内的NMPA 官网: ...
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) [internet]. Minutes of the meeting of the CSM Expert Group on the Safety of SSRIs held on Tuesday 22. July 2003. London UK: MHRA; 2010. Available at: http://www. document/con...
MHRA overview. Read more about UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency and see the most important medical device regulations
Dr June Raine CBE, chief executive, medicines and healthcare products Regulatory Agency comments: “Transforming the way innovative medicines reach patients in the UK is not a ‘nice to have’. It’s a ‘must do’. An imperative. And the time to do it is now. ...