The genus Astragalus is a group of Leguminosae, which has an indistinguishable species composition. To date, nearly 2000 species of Astragalus have a very wide distribution in northern temperate zones. In Europe, there are about 130 Astragalus species [1]. Worldwide, common names of astragalus pl...
Antitussives (cough suppressants). These may help you stop coughing when you have a dry cough, the type that doesn't produce any mucus. Dextromethorphan is a common ingredient. Expectorants.These help thin and loosen mucus, making it easier to cough up when you have a wet cough, the type...
some horses that are not on grain diet tie up because they are hypersensitive to lactic acid or because their particular metabolism does not cope with it efficiently. Please search for horse supplies, horse drugs, horse medications, horse liniment, horse products, horse supply, horse supplements,...
wrap it with cloth, rub the back from the tail lucium, up to Dazhui, rub the back from Dazhui up to Dazhui, do this up and down 10 times, cold The easy way is to rub it more than ten times a day, 5-6 times at night, and rub it inside and out...
Positive cultures of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), pericardium or pericardial fluid, blood, or tissue biopsy specimens provide definitive evidence that systemic therapy is needed. Treatment options for Candidiasis Conventional treatment: When the symptoms are vague, physicians end up treating Candidiasis with...
Air-fluid levels indicating ileus Dilated loops of bowel in obstruction Radiopaque ingested foreign body Evaluation of stool burden Ultrasonography is the preferred first line in many cases Acute appendicitis, intussusception, ovarian torsion, pyloric stenosis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, nephrolithiasis, preg...
movements were fluid instead of guarded and cautious. It was an incredible example of the healing power of acupuncture. Acupuncture is simple medicine, many times referred to as ‘barefoot medicine” (I was in my socks for both treatments). Our bodies are quite good at keeping us alive but ...
beauty, makeup and bathing (seeFigure 1).9Beauty was likened to a woman in a gorgeous, feathered hat; making oneself up was described as a beautiful girl decorating herself and looking into a mirror; and taking a bath was described as a person cleaning himself in a container fi...
CSF-CerebralSpinalFluid CT-CatScan;alsoChestTubeandCardio-Thoracic CTA-ClearToAuscultation CVA-CerebralVascularAccident CVL-CentralVenousLine CVP-CentralVenousPressure C/W-ConsistentWith;ComparedWith CX-Culture CXR-ChestX-Ray C/W-ConsistentWith D-Diarrhea;alsoDisk D5W-Dextrose5%inWater DB-DirectBilirubin...
Fluid in the alveoli interferes with gas exchange. The extra bottleneck of fluids also makes it hard for the heart to pump properly. Cardiogenic and non-cardiac pulmonary edema If illness or injury of the heart by itself causes the heart to not pump properly, fluid can back up in the ...