Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Professor Daniel C. Baumgart, MD PhD MBA went to medical school in Berlin (Germany), Basel (Switzerland) and Würzburg (Bavaria). He received his training at Charité Medical School (Humboldt-University of Berlin), at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, ...
Computerized clinical decision support systems, or CDSS, represent a paradigm shift in healthcare today. CDSS are used to augment clinicians in their complex decision-making processes. Since their first use in the 1980s, CDSS have seen a rapid evolution.
North Carolina; Professor Lou Garrison, Professor, Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research & Policy Program, Department of Pharmacy, Health Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; Dr. Mukesh Kapila
Chief Medical Information Office, Alberta Health Services, Edmonton, Canada David Pincock Contributions R.T.S. reviewed the literature, drafted and revised the manuscript. D.P., D.C.S., D.C.B., K.I.K., and R.N.F. provided critical input, discussion, and revision of the manuscript. ...
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 1C9, Canada 6 Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga, ON L5B 1B8, Canada 7 Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5G 1V7, Canada ...