or by borrowing a hat, comb, hair tie, or towel used by someone who already has them. Once a female louse is on the head, she can start laying eggs, which are called nits. These nits are extremely small. They’re found close to the scalp, where warm conditions are perfect for them...
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Additionally, we measure the FNR for the no finding label across all subgroups (the definitions are similar to equation (1) and equation (2), but with \(\hat Y = 0\) and Y = 1 with the patients belonging to sj or si,j). This measure is useful to help differentiate between ov...
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Christoph Schmidt Wasilios Hatziklitiu Johannes Port Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (2025) A retrospective analysis of e-prescriptions for non-communicable diseases on a telehealth platform in Malaysia Hui Yin Yow Jason Siau Ee Loo Nusaibah Abdul Rahim BMC Health Services Research ...
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Thailand is studying the feasibility of jointly constructing the Hatgyi Dam on the Salween river near the border with Burma; in 2004, international environmentalist pressure prompted China to halt construction of 13 dams on the Salween River that flows through China, Burma, and Thailand; approximatel...
Association of State Laws Permitting Denial of Services to Same-Sex Couples With Mental Distress in Sexual Minority AdultsA Difference-in-Difference-in-Differences Analysis Julia Raifman, ScD1; Ellen Moscoe, ScD2; S. Bryn Austin, ScD3; et al Mark L. Hatzenbuehler, PhD4; Sandro Galea, MD,...
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