A woman, approximately 53 years old. She caught a cold in early autumn, and the treatment process is unclear. Due to a conflict with her daughter-in-law, she felt suppressed anger, leading to persistent cough as a sequel. Despite injections and medications, there was minimal improvement over...
Thus, Goshajinkigan might be a promising candidate for relief from sarcopenia. Ninjin'yoeito, the most powerful “Hozai” consisting of 12 herbal medicines, has been used to treat sarcopenia, anemia, cold limbs, persistent cough, and mental disequilibrium caused by cachexia in chronic illnesses ...
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In China, a multicenter study found that the majority of AR patients have persistent symptoms with or without seasonal aggravation [37]. Previous trials evaluating the effect of acupressure on AR did not differentiate between SAR and PAR. Considering of the characteristics of AR, only PAR patients...
Top 5 CMI in the 5 timepoints used for COVID-19 (Frequently ≥ 6) Full size image Clinical efficacy assessment COVID-19 predominantly presents as a respiratory infection, with clinical manifestations including fever, cough, chest tightness, shortness of breath in severe cases, and fatigue....
Using cough as an objective biomarker for TB control and care Cough is a complex physiological phenomenon as it is both a symptom of, and a defense mechanism against, respiratory diseases. Cough is a hallmark symptom of pulmonary TB and is clinically assessed throughout the cascade of TB care...
The presence of bronchiectasis must be ruled out, independently of any previous diagnosis of COPD or asthma, in any patient with: chronic respiratory symptoms and an underlying disease that causes bronchiectasis; persistent cough especially with usual expectoration (frequently with a purulent or haemo...
Over subsequent years, she was maintained on NIV while sleeping, repeated ventilation, tube insertion for persistent middle ear effusions and mastoiditis, and tube fed until she was 31⁄2 years old. Her reactive airway disease was managed by her pediatrician with inhaled and systemic steroids, ...
Featuring a robust 400mg of guaifenesin and 20mg of dextromethorphan per dose, this top-notch chest congestion & cough medicine is here to provide effective relief from bothersome mucus and persistent cough. When the cold and flu season hits, trust Mucinex...