Quantitative data from migrant patient participants enrolled into the study were downloaded from EMIS using a custom-built search into Microsoft Excel. Data were anonymised and securely transferred to the University for analysis in STATA 15. Data cleaning and analyses were done using Microsoft Excel an...
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Numbers of regions nearest the TSS of genes in each category are shown in tables next to each chart. The coordinates of poised promoters, repressed regions, and 11 other states (not shown) were determined using chromatin state classes from the ENCODE project (UCSC Browser HMM track for K562 ...
—cyan; NACT—during neoadjuvant chemotherapy (the number of previously administered cycles shows in brackets)—green (post 1 cycle)/orange (post 2 or more cycles); Rec—disease recurrence—purple. CtDNA VAF (for the scatter plot) and % of samples in each VAF range presented in bar chart....
We used Calc to organize data, to format the text, to calculate mean values and sums, and to create a chart used to show the fundamental concepts lying behind the data. Calc is compatible with many other competitors, Microsoft Excel® for instance, and it can import and save data in th...