Magnesium is harmless to human beings, and therefore such a multilayer sheet can be preferably used as a material of a food or medicine bag. 镁是对人体无害的,因此这样的多层片材可以作为最好的食品或*袋材料。 www.1168818.cn 2. Bottles of propofol were in Murray's medicine bag and on the...
bag n. 1.[C](尤指商店用的)纸袋,塑料袋 2.[C]手提包,旅行袋 3.[C]一袋(的量) 4.[U]【英】【非正式】大量,很多 5.[pl.]黑眼圈,眼袋 6.[C]【非正式】【英 messenger bag 斜挎包 folk medicine 民间医药学 medicine chest n. 药柜 tele medicine 远程医疗 bag wig n. 丝袋假发 fil...
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Define Medicine bag. Medicine bag synonyms, Medicine bag pronunciation, Medicine bag translation, English dictionary definition of Medicine bag. a charm; - so called among the North American Indians, or in works relating to them. See also: Medicine Webst
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medicine bag noun :a bag often made of the skin of an animal patron of an Amerindian people to contain an individual's medicine and worn about the person The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive deeper into language withMerriam-Webster Unabridged....
medicine bag 医药包相关短语 choleretic (药) 利胆剂 neoepinene (药) 纽庇伦 pentizidone (药) 戊胺唑酮 pentobarbitone (药) 戊巴比通 britonite (炸药) 波利通那特 fructus carpesii (中药) 鹤虱 pentizidone sodium (药) 戊胺唑酮钠 piperidolate (解痉挛药) 二苯哌酯 nitroquine (抗疟药) 硝喹...