Chapter © 2024 Status of Medicinal Plants in Context of Arunachal Pradesh Chapter © 2020 Threatened Medicinal Plants of Eastern Ghats and Their Conservation Chapter © 2020 Data Availability The datasets generated during and analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding...
European Journal of Medicinal Plants (ISSN: 2231-0894) is dedicated to publish high quality papers (Click here for Types of paper) in all areas of medicinal plants research including plant growth and development, agronomic management, plant nutrition, pl
Survey of Medicinal Plants Unit, Regional Ayurveda Research Institute, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, IndiaShiddamallayya NagayyaCentral Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, IndiaSrinivasulu CheemanapalliSurvey of Medicinal Plants Unit, Regional Ayurveda Research Institute, ...
of eight states namely Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura is widely rich in biodiversity belonging to different climatic conditions varying from tropical subtropical, temperate and alpine zones which covers the major occurrence of medicinal plants. The...
Ethnobotany and nutritional importance of four selected medicinal plants from Eastern Himalaya, Arunachal Pradesh Om Prakash Arya, Anita Pandey and Prasanna K Samal [abstract] [download] J. Med. Plants. Stud. | pages: 45-49 | 2197 views 383 downloads India 10 Studies on nutraceutical properties...
Since early times, the Tunisian people have used medicinal and aromatic plants as traditional medicine to heal various human diseases. However, few studies have been properly concretized into a document to promote the traditional knowledge of the local population, especially in southern Tunisia. This...
Arunachal Pradesh is considered as one of the major biodiversity “hot spots” in the world located in the Eastern Himalayan province. About two-third of the state is covered with forest. Pasighat is the headquarter of East Siang District in the Arunachal Pradesh that lies on the geographical ...
Some important medicinal plants of the tropical, subtropical and temperate region of Siang, Subansiri and Tirap districts of Arunachal Pradesh ABIM started as the bibliography of Jan Meulenbeld's A History of Indian Medical Literature, and was first published on the internet as a set of HTML file...
Ethnozoology of Galo tribe with special reference to edible insects in Arunachal Pradesh. Ind J Tradit Knowledge. 2009;8:81–3. Google Scholar Neto E. Bird-spiders (Arachnida, Mygalomorphae) as perceived by the inhabitants of the village of Pedra Branca, Bahia State, Brazil. J Ethnobiol ...
Kar A, Borthakur SK (2008) Medicinal plants used against dysentery, diarrhea and cholera by the tribes of erstwhile Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh. Nat Prod Rad 7:176–181 Google Scholar Karataş M, Aasim M, Çiftçioğlu M (2014) Adventitious shoot regeneration of Roundleaf toot...