About 28,187 medicinal plants have been recorded in the Kew Medicinal Plants Names Services that contains different therapeutic properties [1]. In many countries, medicinal plants and their uses are well recognized, for instance, China is rapidly integrating medicinal plants in the mainstream health...
Jim Duke’s phytochemical and ethnobotanical database (which can be downloaded here and searched online here) has been added to the Medicinal Plant Names Services Kew Science project of Royal Botanical Gardens Kew in the UK. Kew is an incredible ally to global plants and plant enthusiasts, ...
During the last decade, over 28,187 medicinal species were used by humans (MNPS, Medicinal plant names services (MNPS). Available at: https://mpns.science.kew.org/mpns-portal/ , 2020), and they are included in medical services provided in China (over 40%), as well as Canada, the USA...
About 28,187 medicinal plants have been recorded in the Kew Medicinal Plants Names Services that contains different therapeutic properties [1]. In many countries, medicinal plants and their uses are well recognized, for instance, China is rapidly integrating medicinal plants in the mainstream health...
描述 Medicinal plants identifier is your botanical guide for the identification of plants, flowers, leaves, fruits and allows you to know their medicinal virtues, then teaches you how to mix these herbs in infusion or decoction to have a natural remedy. This plant application encourages treatments...
Furthermore, the large number of recorded medicinal plant species emphasizes the continued relevance and indispensability of plant-based remedies in fulfilling the primary healthcare requirements of the population, particularly in areas with limited access to conventional medical services. The dominance of...
On the other hand, women from the area engage in various occupations such as cleaning, cosmetics sales, laundry services, handicraft sales, and elderly care. They supplement their income by selling medicinal plants, which they collect, dry, and package from their gardens. While their primary ...
Where are the crones that honour the high tides to gather the seaweed for our menopausal bones? Where are the women with the knowledge of this land, this climate, these plant medicines, these berries and fruits of my land? Where are the well-keepers that take care of the waters upon the...
Medicinal plants have been used for centuries and are still relied upon by over 80% of the Ethiopian population. The people of Gamo, southern Ethiopia, have a rich cultural and traditional lifestyle with a long history of using plant resources for variou
Language (usage and editing services) Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). Authors who feel their English language manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors and to conform to correct...