2023年72本CHEMISTRY/MEDICINAL类别SCIE/ESCI排名附后。 NOJournal nameJCR AbbreviationISSNeISSNCategoryEditionTotal Citations2023 JIFJIF Quartile2023 JCI% of OA Gold 1 MEDICINAL RESEARCH REVIEWS MED RES REV 0198-6325 1098-1128 CHEMISTRY, MEDICINAL SCIE 8,632 10.9 Q1 1.65 17.93% 2 NATURAL PRODUCT REPO...
Two authors: (Sorensen and Sammis, 2004) Three or more authors: (Bao et al., 2013) About the journal Full journal titleJournal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants AbbreviationJ. Appl. Res. Med. Aromat. Plants ISSN (print)2214-7861 Scope Other styles...
SCISPACE [https://typeset.io/journals/investigational-medicinal-chemistry-and-pharmacology-22jlg9kt] Sciencegate [https://www.sciencegate.app/source/315988] etc….. Recent Posts Pericopsis laxiflora (Baker) Stem bark extract ameliorates acute Lead-induced hepatotoxicity: Modulation of Oxidative Stres...
Institutional affiliations: Authors should use either the full, standard title of their institution or the standard abbreviation of the institutional name so that the institutional name can be independently verified for research integrity purposes. Studies in humans and animals Authors must follow ethical...
Institutional affiliations: Authors should use either the full, standard title of their institution or the standard abbreviation of the institutional name so that the institutional name can be independently verified for research integrity purposes. Studies in humans and animals Authors must follow ethical...
3. Application of active compounds in medicinal plants in overcoming drug resistance 4. Discussion 5. Conclusions Funding CRediT authorship contribution statement Declaration of competing interest List of abbreviation ReferencesShow full outline Figures (5) Tables (2) Table 1 Table 2Volume...
The mechanism underlying PTC readthrough has not been elucidated to date, and additional research studies and medicinal chemistry efforts are needed. The development of specific drugs for each of the ~1800 nonsense mutation-based genetic diseases will require a tremendous effort and one way for drug...
Note:Bioorganic&MedicinalChemistryLettersauthorsarenolongerrequiredtoformattheirmanuscriptsfor camera-readyreproduction.Templatesforthenewstyleareavailabletoassistwithmanuscriptpreparationat http://.scripps.edu/chem/boger/ Bioorganic&MedicinalChemistryLetterspublishesexperimentalortheoreticalresearchresultsofoutstanding ...
This research investigated the functional food potential of L. spinosa through nutritional and phytochemical evaluation. Material and methods Different solvent-extracts of L. spinosa extracts were GC–MS- analyzed, evaluated for antioxidative and nutritional status especially carbohydrates, polysaccharides, fat...
EJMCR publishes all aspects of medicinal chemistry with a focus on drug discovery. It provides a forum for medicinal chemists both from academia and from industry to share new results and the state of the art via the publication of full research papers, reviews, microarticles and short ...