this research was conducted with students of fourth semester of veterinary medicine program at la salle university, bogot谩, colombia, who validated four learning objects in a virtual environment (ava) to determine whether or not they promoted collaborative work from the strategy-based in learning ...
Influenciafamiliar sobre la conducta alimentaria y su relación con laobesidad infantil. Arch Latinoam Nutr 2008; 58 (3): 249-55. Behar R, Arancibia M. Trastornos alimentarios maternos ysu influencia en la conducta alimentaria de sus hijas(os).Rev Chil Pediatr ...
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The use of WhatsApp was implemented in the chair of Clinical propedeutics and nosology, corresponding to the fourth semester of the Degree in Surgeon at La Salle University in Mexico City. At the end of the course, a survey of the students ...