Miller-KeaneEncyclopediaandDictionaryofMedicine,Nursing,andAlliedHealth,SeventhEdition.©2003bySaunders,animprintofElsevier,Inc.Allrightsreserved. anx·i·o·lyt·ic (ang'zē-ō-lit'ik), 1.Synonym(s):antianxiety agent 2.Denotingtheactionsofsuchanagent(forexample,diazepam). ...
these drugs generally carry more risks than benefits. For example, benzodiazepines, medicine for anxiety or sleep, are themost frequently used classof medications. We want to reduce their use as much as possibleto avoid negative impactssuch as confusion and increased...
Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families The term major tranquilizers was frequently used for these medications at one time (with the term minor tranquilizers used for sleep and anxiety medications), but these agents are much more than just "tranquilizers," and this term ... MF ...
"I recognize the importance of these medications in treating anxiety andsleep problems," said the study's first author Carol Boyd, the Deborah J. Oakley Professor of Nursing. "However, the number of adolescents prescribed these medications and the number misusing them is disturbing for several re...
For Anxiety Disorders Fasedienol is a first-in-class, rapid-onset investigational pherine nasal spray designed with potential to treat multiple anxiety disorders without the side effects and safety concerns associated with currently prescribed anti-anxiety products. ...
Conversely, medications may be used therapeutically for specific sleep disorders. For example, restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder may be treated with dopamine agonists. An understanding of the disorders of sleep and the effects of medications is required for the appropriate use ...
Here are three classes of prescription sleeping pills and how they work. Antidepressants Anantidepressant3may be prescribed if insomnia is related to underlying depression or anxiety. Antidepressants can treat symptoms of depression or anxiety by altering the way your brain uses certain chemicals to hel...
anxiety is short-lived and normally goes away once the situation has passed. This is not the case for an estimated 40 million adults in the United States who have some type ofanxiety disorderand experience ongoing and unwarranted psychological distress. That distress may also manifest itself in ...
The acceptability of midazolam and melatonin is related to six main factors: effectiveness as premedication prior to GA; administration of premedication; experience of recovery; prior experiences of premedication; associations and evidence; and range of options for managing anxiety. Interviews highlighted ...
Benzodiazepines are considered a second-line therapy for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. According to the ADAA, they work by strengthening the GABA neurotransmitter. This neurotransmitter plays a primary role in feeling calm, muscle relaxation, reduction in brain activity and sleep. Most...