The size of patient safety populations on which assessments were based ranged widely, from a median of 3563 in Australia to 7819 in the UK.4 This was product information for the same medicines, produced by the same manufacturers, and obtained at the same time. Regulatory warnings of serious ...
Charting the safety and quality of health care in Australia [online]. Available from URL: [Accessed 2008 Mar 27] Roughead EE, Lexchin J. Adverse drug events: counting is not enough, action is needed. Med J Aust 2006; 184(7): 315–6 PubMed Google ...
More than half of the studies (n=25) were conducted in the United States, 13 in Europe, 4 in Asia, 2 in Australia, and 2 in Canada. A variety of study designs were used: cross-sectional (n=30), pilot study (n=5), cohort study (n=2), scoping review (n=2), validity study ...
National Asthma Council Australia. Inhaler Technique for People with Asthma or COPD. (2018). American Diabetes Association. Insulin administration. Dia...
1.12 Complies with and demonstrates a positive commitment to Regulations, Acts and Policies relevant to nursing including the Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia, the Code of Conduct for Nurses in Australia, the National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse and the Poisons Act 2014 and...
-Acute care utilization (readmission, emergency department and urgent care visits) within 90 days post-discharge -Achievement of guideline-based goals -Rate of adverse events Vuong et al, 200884 Australia Randomized controlled trial 316 older adults taking 3 or more medications with dexterity, ...
Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University, Level 6, 75 Talavera Rd, Macquarie Park, NSW, 2109, Australia Peter J. Gates, Magdalena Z. Raban, Sophie Meyerson & Johanna I. Westbrook ...
researches from Bangladish [38], Gondar [39], Kemisie [22], and Bahir Dar [19]; an increase in the number of gravidities, which is consistent with the report from Bahir Dar [19]; and increase in education level, which is similar to the findings from Turkey [40...
NPC Pty Ltd (Australia). Retrieved from <> Accessed 6 October 2013. Google Scholar Singh et al., 2012 S.D. Singh, S.I. Vohora, K.S. Chokski, A.J. Solanki, D.R. Chaudhary, S.D. Patel Medication errors in ...
9 This pattern of early topiramate discontinuation has been observed previously in the Nordic countries, US, and Australia,1 and may attenuate estimates of adverse effects associated with topiramate exposure during the whole pregnancy. Our data show a 2.4- to 5-fold increased risk of ASD and ID...