In this survey, patients were asked about their relationship with medical staff and their self-efficacy for taking medication, along with other questions. A total of 219 kidney transplant recipients were included in the analysis. Ninety-four demonstrated nonadherence (42.7%). The following factors ...
Background: Though medication adherence is essential for graft survival, non-adherence to immunosuppressants post kidney transplant is common (30–35%), potentially leading to poor quality of life and increased healthcare costs. Aims: The objective of this study was to examine the association ...
Antidepressant medication use before and after kidney transplant: implications for outcomes – a retrospective studyAntidepressant medication use before and after kidney transplant: implications for outcomes – a retrospective studydoi:10.1111/tri.13006antidepressants...
1 Scientific RepoRts | (2019) 9:7734 | medication adherence in adult kidney transplantation (IMAKt): A pilot randomised controlled trialJac Kee Low 1,2 , Elizabeth Manias 2,3,4 , Kimberley Crawford 1 , Rowa...
Background. Nonadherence to medication is a common problem after kidney transplantation. The aim of this study was to explore attitudes towards medication, adherence, and the relationship with clinic...
These preliminary findings suggest that nonadherence shortly after kidney transplantation may be a risk factor for lower graft survival in the years to follow. The attitudes to medication were not a risk factor. 1. Introduction Kidney transplant patients are required to take lifelong immunosuppressive ...
Gather information about the medications used. Get an up-to-date medication lists from the health care team. Make sure that this list matches the prescription containers in the home. Then talk through each medication so both of you fully understand what it is taken for, how often and at wha...
kidney transplantpharmacoepidemiologypractice patternsHypertension guidelines recommend calcium channel blockers (CCBs), thiazide diuretics, and angiotensinヽonverting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers (ACEi/ARBs) as first﹍ine agents to treat hypertension. Hypertension is common among kidney ...
Clinical consequences of non adherence to immunosuppressive medication in kidney transplant patients Little is known of the long-term clinical effects of non adherence on transplanted kidneys, especially regarding newer immunosuppressive regimens. In a stu... K Denhaerynck,F Burkhalter,P Schäfer-Kelle...
Medication noncompliance after kidney transplantation. Increasing numbers of severely mentally ill individuals are being treated in nonhospital, community-based settings and public concern about potential viole... Eva,M,Vasquez,... - 《American Journal of Health System Pharmacy Ajhp Official Journal of...